Chapter 11

Of course there is no money to pay the bill, just a small matter.

If Merlin were to rely on force, even if the powerhouses of Great Britain blocked him, he would not be able to stop him at all.

But the problem is that relying on force to eat Bawang's meal is too obscene, not technical, and very embarrassing.

Although Merlin was poor, he wouldn't be shameless. He still needed dignity, so he didn't want to do shameful things.

what?You said he wouldn't be ashamed of putting green hats on others?

Please be more professional, that is called comforting women, it is the bounden duty of male succubus.

Not only is it not ashamed, it is still a very noble thing in the Mozu, just like a gentleman taking the initiative to court women.

Meilin racked his brains and was thinking about how to get there, but he heard some uncles eating lamb shanks next to him, chatting all right.

"I heard that Martha's tavern recently hired male waiters?"

"Really, it really is the husband who is serving as a soldier outside, can't bear to be lonely at home?"

"The bachelors in the village seem to be excited, but all the guys who applied for the job were rejected."

"Hey, she was a pretty woman, but she wanted to set up an archway."

"By the way, Martha's ass is pretty upturned, so it's definitely cool to grab a hand."

"That's for sure! It's a pity that Martha gave birth to a son. If the daughter is sure that the door frame of the house has been trampled on."


"Martha's tavern?"

Merlin frowned, eliminated a series of trivial information, and kept only the information "Tavern Recruitment Male Waiter". The result was very clear.

I have a new job~!

The two uncles' trivial chat content pointed out a piece of Mingli to Merlin. There is only one goal in front of him, that is, he needs this job now, and he must get it. Otherwise, it's not a way to have a clean face. bad.

Merlin smiled unconsciously on her face, feeling that her current predicament has finally settled, it is best to cover food, housing and salary, which is simply beautiful!

Merlin, the three-no personnel, can only do this kind of odd jobs. Those white-collar workers who sit in the bank of the Chamber of Commerce will not hire people like him, but prefer people with higher education.

"This one, have you finished eating?" The restaurant owner couldn't help asking, he couldn't wait to collect the money!

"No, no, I haven't finished eating yet, don't rush me, are you bombarding guests like this?" Mei Lin replied boldly, picking up the chicken bones on the table and putting them in his mouth to whisper.

"You continue." The restaurant owner said without a smile, thinking that after a while Merlin has no money to pay, let's have a good chat.

Merlin scratched his head. It was hard to have no money. He waited for the boss to go to the bathroom and sneaked away.

But it's been more than two hours. The boss doesn't seem to have any urination, and the bladder is not so big.

This made Merlin anxious, so she wanted to apply for the job as soon as possible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the fifty-seventh race of the Royal Racecourse is officially opened! Gamblers who have not bought a number, there are still three minutes to prepare, please choose your favorite horse as soon as possible."

A soft female voice sounded, attracting Merlin's attention.

It was a magic projector operated by the Warcraft crystal core, and it was broadcasting the live broadcast of the Great Britain Racecourse. To put it bluntly, it was gambling with horses. If you are lucky, you can get rich overnight.

Merlin knew about the game of horse betting a long time ago, and felt very cordial, but he didn't expect it to be in another world.

This year, he owed huge debts, and it was impossible to repay it. So, like many people who are at the end of the road, he chose to gamble and use horse betting to dream of getting rich overnight and become a winner in life.

Merlin is not only a bad-tempered gambler, who likes to express conspiracy theories on racecourses, but also has a damn foul hand. He has never won a copper coin so far, and has a bad habit. He likes to put all his money on it and throw all his bets. play.

He doesn't feel that he is reckless, but he calls it a gambling aura, and he must have the determination to make a desperate move to make a lot of money!

Therefore, this bad problem caused Merlin to become poorer and poorer, and finally got a little salary, which was thrown at the racetrack.

Merlin was a little excited, feeling that he was at the end of the day, but was favored by Goddess of Luck.

Maybe you can turn over by betting on horses and salted fish, pay off your debts, and become a millionaire in a slum. It's damn exciting to think about it!

Merlin reached into his underwear, took a long time, and took out the horse betting ticket. It was the 57th horse betting bet.

Because of his tattered clothes and no pockets, Merlin put the horse betting roll in his underwear, which is safer. For gamblers, the horse betting roll is more important than life.

"number 6..."

Merlin murmured to herself, her hand trembling slightly, her heart very excited

Damn Nima!

Feng Shui turns, is it Lao Tzu's turn?

I always feel that my left eyelid keeps twitching today. Could it be a sign that I am going to win the first prize?

No. 6, Old Piff, you have to give me some strength!

It's up to you to see if I can turn over.