Chapter 50

Tavern at night.

Alice was sitting on a table in the distance and ordered a glass of milk. She didn't like to drink. Milk and juice were better.

Driven by huge curiosity, she finally couldn't help but come downstairs to take a look.

Don't get me wrong, Alice is not interested in male striptease.

It's that these women all come to see that "little daisy" dance, there must be something different.

So Alice intends to take a look, what magic power does this "little daisy" have?

Besides, I have nothing to do in the room, so I don't want to join in the fun.

The simple stage is well set up, and the band invited plays a weird melody.

Even if Alice thinks she is knowledgeable, she still can't hear where the music is?

The women gathered around the runway, seemingly looking forward to it.

What the hell is this little daisy?

Don't these women know that they are being cheated of money?

So it's right to say that you have a big chest and no brains. It's really a fool and a lot of money...

Alice mumbled to herself, but she was actually envious of others with big breasts, and she was still a washboard.

It is said that Alice's chest has not grown in the slightest in the past year, and it is still so flat. This incident makes her very depressed. Maybe she practiced breaking boulders on her chest when she was a child?The talent with great breasts was flattened by the master with a big hammer.

Alice was resentful. In order to maintain her beauty, she shamelessly put two big breasts into her breasts and supported the washboard.

This is also a helpless move for her. In order to prevent someone from being called a washboard, it would be excusable to make a false appearance?

Alice sipped milk sullenly, completely different from the excited women in front of her, looking very calm.

The women are all gorgeous, either long skirts or formal dresses, but Alice is still that easy-to-movement suit, with a rapier hanging around her waist.

Alice is accustomed to having weapons by her side to deal with emergencies, so even if she goes downstairs to relax, she has to pin her rapier to her waist.

If gangsters dared to harass Alice, she would pierce the enemy's chrysanthemum with a thin sword, so that rude people would not dare to go to the bathroom for half a year.

But the occasions where there are women in front of them seem to be useless.

Martha walked to the stage in high heels to create an atmosphere first.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Thank you ladies for coming to join us in your busy schedule. Next, there will be some popular niches who invite us to order."

Martha gave up the small stage to Merlin, but retreated herself.

"Little Daisy Oppa~"

"Brother Daisy!"


A group of women in the audience shouted loudly, seemingly crazy, what is the husband in the family?No need, Merlin Oppa is enough.

Alice looked weird, wondering what happened to these people?Why is it like sick?It should be treated with electric shock therapy...

"Huh! What a group of coquettish**!"

A childish voice sounded beside Alice, his tone very angry.

Alice turned her head in amazement, and saw a little boy just like herself, ordered a glass of milk, with four characters "Hombie Society" written on her face. Who else would it be not Henry?

"Little brother, what you said... is it a bit too much?"

Although Alice knew that she shouldn't be nosy, she didn't feel very comfortable watching such an older child speak swearing.

"It's not too much at all. Most of these women have husbands at home, but they still have no shame in coming to such a place!" Little Henry said angrily, like a social critic.

Alice was speechless, and the corners of her mouth twitched stiffly, thinking that if it was so, it would be a bit too much...

"It's because of my mother that she was making irresponsible remarks, damn it!" Little Henry said old-fashioned, but his immature face was completely unconvincing.

Alice was a little surprised, wondering if this child is the son of the lady boss?On closer inspection, it looks a bit like it.

"It's the big sister, you are so innocent and so unpretentious, you didn't get up like those coquettish girls, it's worthy of praise..." Little Henry nodded, showing some approval in his eyes.

"That...that's really thank you for the compliment..." Alice looked unnatural, complaining in her heart, and being complimented by the bear kid, I am not happy at all!

By the way, it's not that I don't want to get together, but because there are too many people, it's easy to squeeze my chest pad off, revealing the fact that I am a washboard!

But this kind of embarrassing thing cannot be said at all...