Chapter 63

Thick smoke rose in the distance, like a monster attacking, spreading teeth and claws.

The heavy dark clouds were already embarrassed, and finally a light rain started ticking.

The fire of killing that can spread to the village is still there, and it is not driven by the light rain.

Alice was walking down the street, holding two big bags with bread and apples in her arms, planning to travel to eat.

She still worries about her debts, everything has to consider the next life, she doesn't dare to buy expensive things at all, because she is so hard-working that she is the bastard Merlin!

Alice planned to go back to the tavern directly, clean up and bow and leave, but was attracted by the billowing black smoke and fire on the road.

"What's wrong? Is there a fire..."

Alice frowned slightly, looking at the fire that seemed not small.

This is countless villagers with pale faces and horrified expressions, running away in Alice's direction.

From time to time, they looked behind them, worried about being overtaken by something terrible, and even if they fell, they continued to flee.

"Come! They are here! Run away..."

A lot of panicked residents yelled here, and they seemed to have the same meaning.

Who are "they"?

What happened?

Alice felt something was wrong, and instinctively told her that something serious had happened in the fire place.

A few panicked and unreasonable villagers accidentally bumped Alice, and the apples and bread in their arms were scattered all over the place.

"Wait! I said you guys..."

Alice complained, feeling annoyed that these people were too rude.

"Run away!"

An old villager stumbled to Alice.

As a result, a crossbow arrow shot directly through the back of his head, and the arrow came out of his throat.

The old man's expression was dull, his eyes gradually tarnished, a few drops of blood dripped from the red arrow in his mouth, and finally fell to the ground weakly.

Alice's eyes widened, staring at all this in a daze, her beautiful face was splashed with a few drops of blood, which looked strange.

what the hell is it?

Alice stood there stiffly, thinking numbly, the massacre in front of her was shocked, and for the first time she saw a villager being killed in broad daylight.

Such a bloody scene made the 19-year-old girl a chill from the bottom of her heart.


The goblin's peculiar cry sounded, and many goblins in the distance were chasing and killing unarmed villagers with cutlass and short swords.

The villagers flee helplessly, asking for old and weak women and children, unable to run, and many of them died by the goblin sword.

They screamed, grinned, and went crazy, brandishing the butcher knife in their hands mercilessly, dyeing the land red.

Alice's face sank, and flames throbbed in her ice blue eyes.

Although I don't know what is going on?

But fools can see that this is a goblin who broke into the village and started a merciless massacre.


The goblin grabbed an old man, stomped him under his feet, raised his machete, and pierced his heart fiercely.

With a "swish", the chill slammed, and a sharp cone of ice pierced the goblin's head, splashing blood on the spot, allowing the old man under him to escape.

Two dozen goblins were the vanguard, and they were a little surprised to see their companions killed.

Alice raised her hand to face the group of goblins. As a high-level strength, she could easily kill some goblins.

Kill one of the low-level magic "ice cones".

Before Alice had figured out the situation, she would not consume magic power and vindictiveness casually, and would only use magical attacks with very little loss.

The higher the level of magic and martial skills, the greater the loss. If there is no magic power or vindictiveness, it will be miserable when encountering a boss, and it will not be able to display its strength.

Even if the holy rank powerhouse does not have magic power or grudge, it will be rubbed against the ground by high-rank enemies. This kind of thing is not uncommon.

It is very important to keep one's own magic power or full of fighting spirit, so low-level magic and martial skills are also needed when fighting.

The big move will only be released when it is sure to win or the effect is amazing, otherwise it will lose too much mana and vindictiveness, resulting in insufficient stamina, and you will lose miserably.

The strength class represents the difference in power, and it is also low-level magic, allowing the holy and low-level people to use it at the same time. That is the difference between the sea and the water droplets, and the power is very different.


The vanguard's goblin warrior showed a hideous expression at Alice, and his sharp fangs were obsessed with obscurity. It was obvious that they would rush forward.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want in front of me!"

Alice lifted her magic power and waved her hand for a hundred rounds of ice cones!

As a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts, although it is very difficult to practice, it also has advantages. The two powers in the body can be used interchangeably.

In layman's terms, someone else manages MP, and she has two different MPs. The battles are varied and lasting for a long time.

A hundred rounds of ice cones overflowed with cold air, suddenly like a machine gun, and beat the more than 20 goblins in front of them into a sieve.

Alice lowered her arm and looked at the fire shining in the distance, thinking that the situation there was similar to here, not optimistic, maybe there were people who needed help.

I can't be so cold that I can't save myself, I have to go.

Alice did not hesitate much, her luck accelerated and ran to the scene of the accident. Within a few steps, she encountered a heavily armed goblin army.

The two sides confronted each other for three seconds, and the goblin warriors watched Alice and could feel the pressure of that high-level strength.

Alice released the high-level enchantment magic of the "Zero-degree Realm" and used it once in front of the Demon King Palace.

Although it continues to consume magic power, the effect of fighting in groups is wonderful, with the effect of slow speed and continuous frostbite.

"Come on, don't blink your eyes..." Alice pulled out the sterling silver rapier around her waist, and the gleaming, sharp "Aria of Light" trembled and buzzed sweetly.


"I don't know how my head is different."