Chapter 73

Alice was moving fast on the road, and the dense rain was washed away by her, as if no one could stop her.

In a hurry, she consumed her anger frantically, looking from afar, the silver-haired girl cut through the night like a star.

Alice knew that it was dangerous to go deep alone, but there was no other way. The power of the ordinary villagers was so small that they might not be of much help to herself, and could only resist ordinary goblins.

Although she knew that she might encounter enemies of the holy rank, she still chose to save people.

She knew she was like a fool, a hopeless fool.

But the group of desperate people looked at themselves with expectations, how should they choose?

Of course you have to help them. You can't do it yourself if you don't save people.

If you don't work hard to respond to this expectation, you will feel trouble sleeping and eating, and living with guilt is more painful than death.

I always think justice is a very simple thing

Become the hope in everyone's eyes and respond to small expectations. This is justice.

So even if it is dangerous, I have to go.

Because only I can save people!

Now that it has become the hope in the eyes of others, it is necessary to bear the corresponding responsibility, nothing more!

Alice thought firmly in her heart, shuttled through the rainy night, came to the gate of the village, and suddenly stopped, as if she had discovered something.

There was a dark thing in the middle of the continent, which looked like a charred corpse.

It was not this that caught Alice's attention, but the small silver sign on the person's neck—the adventurer's proof!

Alice walked over curiously, feeling that this person was already dead, so she broke the adventurer's proof necklace and took a closer look

Region: Bainbridge.

Name: Hobson Smith.

Occupation: Swordsman.

On the small sign of the Brave Certificate, the information of the deceased was almost explained.

"Irish adventurer? He came to Wales on a mission so far..."

Alice sighed, looking at the corpse on the ground, it was inevitable that she felt a little sentimental, and silently gripped the adventurer's proof.

After all, it is a fellow adventurer, and it is helpless to die here inexplicably.

This is the case for adventurers. A career where romanticism and tragedy coexist is free and unrestrained, but also dangerous.

Alice decides to take Smith's Adventurer Proof to Wrexham, and then ship it to Denmark.

Adventurers' unions are all over the world, but their headquarters is in Copenhagen, the Kingdom of Denmark. There is a cemetery dedicated to the souls of adventurers. In fact, there is nothing inside, only a towering tree.

It is difficult for the dead adventurer to bring the body back. There is no memorial, and there is no tombstone. Only the adventurer can prove this small sign to commemorate and engrave their names forever.

When he died, his colleagues helped bring the small sign back, and hung it on the towering tree in the adventurer's tomb, and received the baptism of the rising sun every day.

Alice does not like to do such a thing, because every adventurer proves that leaving the master means a very heavy thing.

She stood up slowly. Although she was a bit sentimental, there were more important things to do. Now is not the time to be sentimental.

Alice turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly she felt someone grab her heel.

She turned her head, the corpse on the ground seemed to move, and her hand was firmly grasping her shoe.

Alice was frightened in a cold sweat, thinking it was some undead magic, but then she realized that Smith on the ground might still be alive?

"Is it all right?"

"Hey! Wake up!"

"Hold on! Someone will come to rescue you!"

Alice kept calling Smith, not to let him lose consciousness, otherwise he would definitely die.

Smith was burned all over, like a rotting corpse, constantly being washed away by rain. His state was in a precarious condition. It was not Alice's call that his consciousness might have just disappeared.

He reluctantly opened his eyes slightly and saw a gold necklace swinging around. It was proof of Alice's adventurer

Region: Wrexham.

Name: Alice Clodia.

Occupation: Magic Swordsman.

"Yellow...Golden Adventurer..."

Smith's eyes widened, full of horror, as if there was hope alive.

The golden adventurer means that the silver-haired girl in front of her is very strong, so her unmarried may be saved!

Smith is still more worried about his fiancée than himself.

Smith dragged his broken body, grabbed Alice's wrist, and said with tears.

"Love... Lord Alice, please help me, please..."

"Huh!?" Alice was startled, she has more important things, but let's listen to it for the time being, "What can I do, I will try my best."

"Thank you, Lord Alice, a few days ago, our three-person team entered the back mountain..."

Smith told the events of the past few days, as well as what happened to his fiancée. Alice also learned the specific information of the Goblin Lair and the location of the hostages from his mouth.

This information is very important. Alice can save people more efficiently, without having to bump into the goblin lair like a headless fly.

Alice speculated that the villagers were locked up with the magician because they were all slaves to be dedicated to the Goblin Emperor.

"So Master Alice, beg you to save my fiancee! I know my request is rude, but I can't help it, so... so please give me a little mercy..."

Smith knelt on the ground, buried his face in the dirty mud, as if he was deliberately punishing himself, his incompetence and weakness were vividly manifested.

"Please raise your head. As an adventurer, you can't be without dignity. I have heard your request. Don't worry, I will save your fiancee." Alice could not refuse, and seriously agreed, just in time to save the villagers and save the villagers. Smith's fiancee can do it together.

"Thank you, Lord Alice, I...I don't know how to repay your kindness..." Smith burst into tears, crying silently in the rain.

"This is simple..."

Alice patted Smith on the shoulder, causing him to form a layer of ice instantly.

This is not hurt, but it can ease Smith's burn pain and make him survive.

"Master Alice..." Smith was a little dazed.

"The best reward is to live, don't give up, don't you have to go back to your hometown to get married with your fiancée?" Alice smiled and said seriously, "So you must live, otherwise the hard work will be wasted. If you hold on for a while, villagers will come to rescue you."

Smith admired a person for the first time in her life. Alice's smile seemed to drive away the night and cold, and her long silver hair was more beautiful than the Milky Way in summer.

"What's your fiancee's name?" Alice asked.

"Afrau Cecil..." Smith replied.

"This..." Alice took Smith's silver adventurer to prove that the necklace was swaying and shining with silver light, she said firmly

"Your adventurer proves that Cecil will return it to you personally."