Chapter 76

Everyone looked at Merlin's back in astonishment, thinking that he was making fun of his head and was going to die.

The fire wall in front of him was very hot, and it would definitely burn him to ashes.

Although Mei Lin had a sword hanging around her waist and looked like a swordsman, she looked like an ordinary person without any magic or grudge.

Only Johnson thought that Merlin was an intermediate master, but he wanted to cross the wall of fire built by high-level magic.

Merlin was undaunted in the rain, swaying away from the water vapor, approaching the hell-like wall of fire.

"Don't go, this wall of fire is very powerful! You will be burned to death!" The village head was shocked. He didn't expect a stunned young man to be sent to death. In his eyes, Merlin was just a little white face who cheated a woman's money, nothing. A powerful man.

"It doesn't matter, this temperature is nothing compared to the magma in the Demon Clan's underground..." Mei Lin replied casually. There is no need to pay attention to a fire wall technique.

"Even if you are a middle-rank martial artist, it won't help to go in! There are holy-rank experts inside!" Qiangsen stopped loudly, thinking that Merlin is definitely not as good as Alice, a mere mid-rank swordsman, what can he do?

"Oh? Isn't it better to have holy rank powerhouses? I'm a little interested~" Mei Lin still didn't look back, almost entering the wall of fire.

"Leave it to the silver-haired Demon Swordsman! You are not as good as the Alice-sama, so you can only make trouble when you go in? Or wait here with peace of mind!" The village anxiously advised.

"Ha, it doesn't matter who makes the mess?" Merlin waved his back to the villagers, "You just wait here, don't do unnecessary things."

What is Alice?

My men are just defeated.

It's nothing but cute when blushing.

However, this guy knows that the enemy is a holy rank and also saves people, he is really overpowered.

I wonder if there is a big gap between each class, will they be hung up and beaten?

Is it because of the illusory justice in my heart?

Although she has a bad temper and is a washboard, she deserves a little respect for her dying consciousness.

It's just a little bit, because this kind of nosy guardian of justice is a bit annoying.

Merlin stepped into the burning wall of fire, as if he was dying.

"I said you...Huh?"

The village chief was angry, blowing his beard and staring.

As a result, the sudden change happened, which shocked him.

The wall of fire in front of Merlin suddenly split into two, giving way to a passage. The flame seemed to be able to avoid him, which was incredible.

His "magic immune" physique was undoubtedly revealed. Although he could not stop magic, he would not suffer any harm.

Merlin looked at the hot flames in front of him, surging apart like a torrent.

He smiled indifferently and walked directly in, and the wall of fire closed behind him again, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Merlin is no longer the little white face who is waiting for death. He is a little serious. That great figure is a proof of his strength!

The temperament of being at the peak cannot be concealed, allowing the untouchables to spy on his great clues by chance.

The peerless monarch of the demons, the legendary swordsman of Elgin, the strongest combat power in the world...

Countless titles of honor highlight the legends of the past.

Now tearing away the disguise of eating and waiting to die, it makes the soul tremble.

The villagers were stunned. Some weapons fell on the ground and did not react. An ordinary person could split the spectacular high-level wall of fire into two. What a shocking thing?

Johnson's face was a little green, and his heart was horrified. Isn't he an intermediate martial artist?How did you pass through the Great Wall of Fire unscathed!Will not be a high-level powerhouse!

The village chief is fairly well-informed. He had been to Elgin six months ago. He was there on the night of the pirate attack and experienced the birth of a legendary swordsman.

The night was full of fires destroyed by pirates, dark clouds, and on the towering pirate ship, that powerful swordsman killed two holy pirate kings with one blow and saved the city of Elgin.

The light was dim and the black smoke rose, everyone could only vaguely see the messy long hair and the powerful back beyond the dimension.

The village chief recalled carefully and found that Merlin and Elgin's legendary swordsmen were very similar, and it was not an exaggeration to say that the two people's backs completely overlapped.

"He... he wouldn't be... Elgin's legendary swordsman, right?"

The villagers were shocked when they heard it, but they hadn't seen it before, and they talked a lot in private.

"! Why is that peerless strong man in our small village? And he is still a lowly cowboy in a tavern, living a humble life on women's perfume money? It is different from the legendary powerful figure. Too far." A drop of cold sweat ran on Johnson's forehead, and he was in awe just by hearing the name of the legendary Elgin sword hero.

Mei Lin's usual feelings are too far from others, not to mention the difference in strength.

Elgin's legendary swordsman, kills two holy ranks in a single blow, comparable to a god, Merlin...Blowing the sky is only close to a higher rank, how could he be alone?

"Merlin is Merlin. Although he has some strength, he is only a little bit stronger than me. He is a humble person who is ignorant and cheats money in the tavern, hahaha..." Johnson scratched his big bald head. With a dry laugh, he didn't believe that Merlin was the legendary strong man.

", just now I feel that Merlin has a bit similar temperament with the master Jianhao, maybe I made a mistake, haha..."

The village chief wiped his cold sweat, followed by a dry laugh to resolve the embarrassment, thinking


It's all an illusion!

The legendary master swordsman could not be Mei Lin at all.

A super strong man who is admired by thousands of people and whose strength can shock the entire British Empire.

A villager despised a waste person who was not strong and could only rely on his mouth to coax a woman to survive.

Can this Nima be the same person?!

What are you kidding me...


Merlin easily walked through the blazing wall of fire, waving his hand to dissipate the water vapor blocking his vision.

He saw a purple goblin, explaining something to some green goblins.

Although I don't know what the situation is, it must be the enemy.

Merlin stepped into the rain, he was arrogant and disdain to attack, but greeted him like a guest

"Green monsters, good evening?"