Chapter 92 end vol 2

A black vortex suddenly appeared in front of the purple-haired woman, slowly turning like a black hole.

The purple-haired woman knelt down quickly and humblely, her proud head lowered.

"His Majesty."

Black hole: "Have you got the key?"

"Yes," the purple-haired woman replied.

Black Hole: "It turns out that the legend is true. One of the keys of the Hell Legion is in the hands of Goblin Sargos. No wonder they did not migrate to the southern United Kingdom, obviously to protect one of the keys."

Purple-haired woman: "It looks right, I didn't expect them to hide so deep."

Black hole: "Carona, you also surprised me. I didn't expect to collect a key so soon. I will reward you when I come back."

Purple-haired woman: "It's not like that. When I came here was already in ruins. It didn't take much effort to get the key."

Black Hole: "Oh? Who did it? Suggs is not a vegetarian. How could it be destroyed overnight?"

Purple-haired woman: "The newspaper said it was the villagers' joint extermination."

Black hole: "Haha, nonsense. Goblin emperors are generally holy ranks. A group of villagers is not a threat at all. It seems that there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons among these villagers."

Woman with purple hair: "I think so too."

Black hole: "Well, Emperor Sargos will never be your opponent anyway. As one of the four heroes of the former kingdom, there are only a handful of people in Great Britain who can hit you. It's a good thing that someone can help you clear the obstacles. Order the key to send it back."

Woman with purple hair: "Yes, I will go back overnight."

Black Hole: "The plan to rejuvenate the country has been put forward, and other heroes have also begun to collect keys. As long as they gain the power of the Hell Legion, the overthrow of the British dynasty is just around the corner!"

The purple-haired woman humbled on the ground, swearing sonorously

"Yes, Carolina is willing to dedicate her soul to the rejuvenation of the kingdom!"

Early the next morning.

Merlin and Alice were sitting in the donkey cart and headed for Wrexham.

"Goodbye Merlin!"

"Goodbye Master Alice!"

"Goodbye big sister!"

"Don't leave Daisy Oppa!"

"Oba~, Ouba~! Sarah hey~!"

Knowing that Alice and Merlin were leaving, countless villagers came to see them off.

"Go back, don't send it again..." Alice waved behind her.

"Goodbye, beautiful ladies!" Merlin never stopped blowing a kiss from the beginning.

Although many people saw off, there were not many people who came to see Alice off. Most of them came to bid farewell to Daisy Merlin.

So the scene is very embarrassing, the yin is prosperous and the sun is declining, and the ladies who always take care of Merlin's business have come. It seems that they can form a strengthening company. The scene is fluttering with colorful flags and red flags, which shows how popular the name of Daisy is.

Alice turned around angrily and concentrated on driving. Her heart was sour. It was obvious that she was the one who worked hardest to save people. How come many people came to send Merlin?It's really irritating to cover up my limelight!Let Merlin die a hundred times...

"Henry, take care of your mother!" Merlin shouted to little Henry in the crowd.

"Don't worry, Brother Merlin, I will! I will go to Wrexham to find you when I practice my temper!" Little Henry responded loudly.

Really, this little bastard...

Did you finally call me brother Merlin?

But I have gotten used to the name Uncle Merlin.

Merlin smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say, he is a traveler, maybe this village is also a hurried visitor in his life.

"Merlin, marry Lord Alice early, be happy!" Martha also sent her blessings and shouted loudly.

Merlin and Alice staggered, so scared that they almost stumbled on the donkey cart.

"Hey, hey, didn't you hear it, hell!" Merlin patted Alice on the shoulder.

"I heard it, it's a hell, how did we get this kind of relationship?" Alice said suspiciously, subconsciously stay away from Merlin and get rid of the relationship.

"I don't know what's going on? I feel like this is a curse on me, it's terrible..." Mei Lin had a lingering fear.

"Me too, growing up this way, this is the most vicious curse I have ever heard, no one!" Alice nodded frequently.

The two fell silent

Merlin: "What are you? You dislike me?"

Alice: "I said that, right! What kind of capital do you dislike me?"

Merlin: "My uncle will marry a washboard? What a joke, this is the scariest thing I have ever heard in my life."

Alice "Go away, it's the most terrible thing for me, look at your poor look, disgusting..."

Merlin: "No matter how poor I am, I am not as disgusting as your washboard. Look at the people who come to give me so many, and so few people give you. At first glance, you are a disliked product."

Alice: "It's great to have a fan girl! Let's see how old are the women who come to see you? The idols of middle-aged and old women are still complacent? Laugh off my teeth, giggle~"

Merlin: "You are envious, jealous, hateful, your own washboard is not welcome, so you start to hurt me, it's so pitiful~"

Alice: "Who said I am not welcome? People who like me can circle the world a hundred times!"

Merlin: "A hundred laps? Pooh! You take off the cushion on your chest. I don't see any of them, right?"

Alice: "You fart, I pad the chest pad to absorb shock, not to hide my shortcomings!"

Merlin: "Hahaha, awesome, it's the first time I heard the reason why shock absorption is so fresh and refined."

Alice: "You can't get any better, right?! The poor can't even afford a ticket to Wrexham. You have to take my ride, and you get me off! This is my car!"

Merlin: "I won't! Such a slow donkey cart, I take it to give you face, as soon as I sit here, the grade of the donkey cart goes up instantly, do you feel it?"

Alice: "Get out of here, pornographic devil, I don't want to see you!"

Merlin: You washboard brave, speak to me politely, your donkey cart is really slow...

Alice: "Fart! Mengmeng runs fast!"

Merlin: "Cute?"

Alice: "It's my donkey..."

While the two were still arguing, an old Qiu Mingshan driver was driving a slow ox cart and overtaking!?

Merlin sighed and counseled his shoulder, "Look, your donkey cart is really slow, slower than an ox cart."

"That's not right..." Alice frowned, looked at her donkey, and found that it was having a stomachache, obviously eating something bad, "Hey, did you have a lot of yellow in the soup for dinner the other day? beans?"

"Yes." Merlin nodded.

"Did you... have you eaten?" Alice asked tentatively.

"I never eat Pacman. Feed your donkey." Merlin gave a thumbs up and said with a confident smile, "Look at how cute I am to you, thank me?"

"I...I thank you for being a big-headed ghost!" Alice was so mad at Merlin that she almost cried out in the car, "Hey, I'm so angry, Huh..."


In the distance, Martha held her cheek and muttered to herself enviously.

"The relationship between them looks really good~"