Chapter 35

I was born into a noble family.

Since childhood, I have lived a life without worry.

Getting the best education is not the same as a commoner.

Although being born in this kind of family looks very gorgeous on the surface, there is an iron-blooded rule of survival of the fittest inside.

His father is the world-famous Duke Rose, who is very amiable on the surface, but he is a very cold-blooded person at heart.

For the father, everyone can generate benefits, and there is no need for people who are worthless.

From the moment I was born, I have been in constant competition, competing with my brothers and sisters, for fear of being left behind by my father.

Affection?What is this?Brothers and sisters in my world are all enemies. I hope they all die. If I am alone, I don't have to worry about being eliminated every day.

Because of this environment, I keep working hard and express myself.

So I became more and more like my father, cold-blooded, and unscrupulous for the purpose.

But this kind of thinking mode didn't make me grow, but made my situation more embarrassing.

This kind of talent is really jealous, some people are born with it, and a little serious will get twice the result with half the effort.

And I, the kind of guy with extremely poor talent, no matter how hard I try, my father never looked at me squarely.

Because my brothers and sisters are like geniuses, everyone has a clear position in the family and is indispensable.

This has made my position more and more awkward, and more and more redundant in the family.

I have once reflected on this kind of life, right?But I didn't get the answer, so I could only endure silently.

Although I live in a gray family of natural selection, there is still a glimmer of light, that is Kyle.

I met him when he was a child. This guy was a trainee knight of the Knights of Rose. He belonged to the kind of stupid little one, and his personality was too straightforward, making people feel silly.

I remember that that day was a bright sky, because Kyle failed to complete the training goal and was beaten with a whip in the blazing sun.

I thought I was a cold-blooded person, but at that time my heart softened and prevented Kyle from being punished, probably out of pity.

After that, this guy always wanted to see me, until one day, he knelt on one knee with his sword in both hands and asked to be my knight.

Now I can't remember what I thought at the time, and I actually agreed to Kyle!?

Afterwards, I calmed down and finally knew why I agreed. Because I was weak and Kyle was also weak, the two poor worms attracted each other and lived in groups to keep warm.

Because I am stupid and be despised by my father, do I hope Kyle can give me warmth?

Ah~, what a cruel reason, but it's the only way for me to escape reality.

I grew up with Kyle. He protected me like a shadow and worked hard to improve my strength.

Until now, I have been working hard and only mid-level, and Kyle is already a high-level powerhouse who can stand alone.

I was very puzzled. I seemed to be the only motivation for Kyle to work hard, so I asked for an opportunity to secretly ask.

"Kyle, aren't you tired of practicing like this?"

"Not tired! Only in this way can you protect Miss Cecilia."

What's the use of this idiot?because

I will be married to a faraway place by my father.

How can you protect me?

The Knights of Rose were almost completely wiped out, and Kyle alone resisted the three-headed and six-armed men, horses, and dead spirits.

And the useless eldest lady Cecilia was a little frightened at the moment, and she never expected such a cruel scene of a necromantic battle.

"Master Cecilia, run away! I am responsible for holding them!"

"What silly thing are you talking about! Come with me!" Cecilia refused to leave Kyle, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Ha, Master Cecilia..." Kyle resisted the elite necromancers, and said with a tragic smile, "I am your knight, if you are in danger, it is an insult to me, please, hurry up Run away, as long as you run away, there is still hope of survival."

"You idiot! What time are you talking about chivalry! Hurry up with me!" Cecilia wept unconsciously.

"Ah oh oh oh..."

The dead spirits finished eating the corpse of the rose knight and ran towards Cecilia in a blink of an eye.

Kyle was shocked, and instead of fighting with the horses and dead spirits, he retreated directly to Cecilia, spears dancing, and swept away the dead spirits.

"I'm sorry, Cecilia, I am a knight, I can't escape!"

Cecilia was stunned and speechless, feeling that Kyle was ready to die.

The three-headed six-armed dead spirits galloped over, waving six broad swords, like death propellers!

"Come on! Despicable souls!" Kyle took a step, set his posture, and raised the high-level vindictiveness to the limit. His face was full of perseverance and unyielding, "Our loyalty! There is no haze!!"

The gale blew up, and the sparks that the weapons collided constantly sputtered in the dark.

Kyle frantically fired his spear, bravely fighting with the elite necromancer!

Necromancers with three heads and six arms are not vegetarians, and the six arms easily suppressed Kyle's martial arts, and they gave out a gloomy laugh.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Kyle roared and used all the martial arts he was good at. All vindictiveness was squandered and there was nothing to do with the elite necromancers.

The three-headed and six-armed necromancer seemed to be tired of playing, shook Kyle back, and suddenly inserted six broadswords into Kyle's body, making a "puff", "Ah...ah..."

Cecilia's eyes widened, her lips twitched, she couldn't speak, tears that had not been shed for a long time, rushed down like a stream.

The blood spurted out of Kyle's body, it seemed that life was passing fast, and the spears all over his body clinked to the ground.


The Centaur Necromancer lifted the lifeless Kyle and shook it, seemingly not interested, and threw it directly in front of Cecilia.

Cecilia staggered and hugged Kyle who was motionless. After checking the injury, she closed her lips tightly, her tears were like broken pearls, "Kel, Kyle, wake up, hurry up and protect me. Ah, what is this? Is this over? How did you swear in the first place..."

The three-headed six-armed necromancer stepped on the horse's hooves and slowly came to Cecilia.

"Ah oh oh oh..."

The Centaur Necromancer made a sound similar to ridicule, and directly raised the machete, casting the shadow over Cecilia.


It's all over.

I am ineffective, cruel and small.

Life like garbage can finally end...

Cecilia's clear eyes also suddenly dimmed, staring blankly at the falling of the butcher knife, willing to die.


A loud noise like the shaking of the mountain suddenly rang from above!

Cecilia looked up in astonishment, countless large pieces of rubble fell, and the ground on the first and second floors was pierced by someone?!

The crashing gravel crashed down, burying the dead men and horses deep underneath, raising dust.

Cecilia protected Kyle, who was undecided, and covered her mouth and nose.

When the thick dust dissipated, Mei Lin's figure appeared at the top of the ruins.

Merlin stood up slowly, holding a big sword at her waist, her blond hair moved rustlingly, her ruby-like eyes bright in the darkness.

Cecilia's eyes widened in shock, staring at Merlin's back in a daze, feeling that this dark iron adventurer is an extremely powerful guy!

Merlin frowned, brushed the dust off her shoulders, muttering to herself

"It's been a long time since I used my fist seriously."

"Suddenly use it, still a little backache?"

"I really am an old man..."