Chapter 38

Three floors of underground maze.

Alice was eavesdropping here all the time, acting extremely cautiously.

Although the chat content between Cloud and the necromancer was intermittent.

But Alice still figured out some things, not for nothing.

Claude was the head of the dead heroes four hundred years ago, Bernard!

What undead magic was used to cause it to be resurrected now!?

In this way, Claude is not a human being at all, but an undead!

As a force of the former kingdom, Crowder is an enemy of the Great Britain.

According to the content of the chat between Cloud and the necromancer

The remnants of the former kingdom are still active in secret, with the purpose of reviving the dynasty.

And now they seem to lack power, so what key are they looking for?

Alice can only work out this information now, and she doesn't even know the others.

No wonder that Claude speaks as if he lived in the last century, and turned out to be a dead person more than 400 years ago.

He continued to ridicule Great Britain like an angry young man, in fact, he himself was the hero of the last dynasty.

No wonder the former dead heroes of the kingdom are the real powerhouses. Isn't this self-praising yourself?

Now Alice has determined that Claude is an extremely dangerous guy, and must not be involved, and must go back and tell the president.

At this moment, the two saint-ranked undead have already fought once, and they are indistinguishable for a while, and they are all very powerful overlords!

The "black death light" in the hands of the necromancer is extremely powerful, as if the rays of a black hole pass, everything becomes rotten and turned into countless dust.

Claude's sword skills are not vegetarian either. Very traditional ancient sword skills, using a perfect fire, almost cut off the head of the necromancer several times, but the "black death light" magic is too difficult to encounter. At one point, it will spread all over the body like a plague, causing the whole body to rot.

If it hadn't been for Claude's superb martial arts, and the holy rank was very strong, otherwise he would have been defeated and dissipated in dust.

The magical power of the black death light is so powerful that everything it passes is dust, and it will be very rare. Now Great Britain has basically been lost, and the old monster that has lived for 400 years will still use it.

If there are other holy magicians present, they will be amazed at the power of the "black death light".

Both holy steps are very powerful. Even Alice is peeking beside her, feeling like gods are fighting, and she trembles carefully, thinking about when she can reach holy steps?A bit of a distant meaning.

"Bernard! What's the matter? Are you old!? Your actions have become slow, which is disappointing!"

The necromancer smiled grimly, waved his hand and shot a black death ray, sweeping towards Claude.

"Zorn, when do I think you can be arrogant?"

Claude, in heavy black armor, turned to avoid the attack and rushed to the high platform with his backhand.

He was surrounded by a surging golden vindictiveness symbolizing holiness, and stepped forward to the necromancer.

"The storm slashes!"

Crowder used the holy martial arts he was good at, the pitch-black sword danced wildly, each swing could bring up a violent wind, the shadow of countless heavy swords swayed, and at the same time it was severely chopped down!

This holy rank sword skill is really powerful, and the strong pressure alone makes the ground shake slightly, if it hits it, it will be a blow to the bones!

"Humph, stupid!"

The necromancer sneered, his golden flame eyes burning.

Suddenly a dark summoning magic circle appeared on the soles of its feet, which appeared to be very huge, almost occupying half of the hall.

"See my profound meaning, the king of bones!"

The huge black magic circle seems to lead to another space. The holy rank of the summoning system makes people shine, because the profound meaning of the summoning system is not the end of a powerful attack, but continuous combat.

However, the summoning system has an extremely large demand for magic power, and it needs to continuously maintain the magic power of the summoned object. However, the necromancer of more than 400 years is obviously full of magic power. If it is an ordinary magician, the magic power has long been drained and turned into a mummy.

The duel between two holy masters, every detail takes place between the electric light and flint

Inside the black magic circle, a huge, pale bone hand came out, suddenly clenched into a fist, and hit Claude directly, causing him to fly upside down like a cannonball!

The big bone fist was higher than that of Crowder's, and the attack power was so powerful that it was shocking. Crowder plunged the huge sword into the ground in mid-air, and he could stop his descent, his breathing became heavy, as if he was injured. .

A huge skeleton wearing a golden crown and a red robe came out of the magic circle. Due to the venue, the big skull only came out half of the body, and the rest was still in the magic circle, but even so, the figure almost filled the whole Hall space.


A red light flashed in the eye sockets of the King of Bones, and he used his body to protect the necromancer, forming an absolute defense, making Claude even more pressure.

If Cloud wants to hurt the necromancer, he must pass the level of the King of Bones.

Alice turned pale with fright, looked at the King of Bones in shock, and thought, hell, what is that!Can the necromancer summon such a perverted creature!?

"Hahaha..." The necromancer held the skeleton and laughed unscrupulously, "Bernard! You too underestimated me, your strength stayed 400 years ago, and I am a necromancer , Has been getting stronger for 400 years, you have no chance of winning Bernard!"

"One blow!" Crowder slowly stood up and shot the epee from the ground.

"A blow?" The necromancer's eyes beat several times.

Claude set his blessings, pointed his epee at the necromancer, and said seriously, "Next time you will not be so lucky, Zorn, I will use the profound meaning to chop your head and extinguish your soul. fire!"

"Oh?" The necromancer spread his hands and said fearlessly, "If I remember correctly, your profound meaning is a special state. It will become a tireless berserker for the duration, with all abilities drastically. Upgrade, as well as super perception, claiming to be able to avoid all attacks. At the beginning of the Kingdom Guard War, you relied on this skill to cut down the 3000 elite cavalry of Tsarist Russia and became famous in the first battle, right?"

"Yes, accept your fate, Zorn, you can't touch me anymore." Claude said seriously, privately began to make the holy rank fighting spirit surging, the holy rank fighting spirit attached to his body, like it was burning. Like a golden flame.

"Stop talking big, let's talk through my King of Bones!" The necromancer said hoarsely, his teeth clenching wildly.

"Profound meaning..." Claude brewed for a while, and then suddenly opened his eyes, the golden grudge on his body suddenly became violent, and the scarlet turned faintly, "Storm mode, oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Alice swallowed nervously, feeling that this coercion was no longer a human being, but a grumpy holy beast!

Cloud started in vain and wanted to make a quick battle. As soon as his heels pressed hard, the ground was struck out by shocking cracks. One can imagine how powerful the power is!

Just as everyone was tensing the strings, there was a loud noise from above, the rock wall above was pierced, and rubble continued to fall.

"..." Claude retracted his offensive and raised his head.

"Huh? Who?" The necromancer also looked up.

Alice frowned her eyebrows, what was she thinking?

Merlin landed steadily on the ground directly from the black hole above.

He stood up slowly, touched his waist with a knife, and slapped the blond hair on his forehead.

"Hmph, there was a loud noise in the sky, and I made my debut!"