Chapter 41

"Uh..." Mei Lin was expressionless, a waterfall in his forehead and a black line

God damn mating rights!

How narcissistic is Alice on this washboard!? came here to fight for her right to mate?

I can go to your mother!The washboard is stinky and shameless!

Either I was taking the wrong medicine or being kicked in the head by a donkey.

I don't even care who the mating rights of Alice, the washboard, belong to?!

This guy Alice actually said such shameless words with a serious face...

"No... won't I really guess it?" Alice said with a reluctant expression, but the blush on her face didn't know what she was ashamed of?

"I guess you are a big-headed ghost! Hurry up and wipe off the blush on your face! This mystery blush is very embarrassing, don't you know!?" Merlin said frantically.

"I...I'm getting angry!?" Alice quickly explained, for fear that Merlin would misunderstand herself, "I'm not blushing because I am shy! It's all because of you, the erotic mania, thinking about me. Yes! Disgusting!"

"Disgusting??" Merlin frowned, still the first time anyone commented on himself.

"Yes, you disgusting guy, the ugly words are in front, so I won't let your nasty delusion come true. You and Arnold's bet are all joking! I won't admit your duel!" Silk's tone was decisive and she put on a completely resisting attitude.

"Please, see what you look like? Don't be so narcissistic, okay? With all due respect, you pass in front of me naked, and my little brother can't bear to look up." Merlin frowned and pointed at Alice seriously. Said, "In my eyes, your mating rights are not worth 5000 gold coins."


Alice spouted a mouthful of old blood, and knelt on the ground with her chest in pain, suffering a huge amount of mental damage of 9,999 points in her heart!

what!?My mating rights are not worth five thousand gold coins, what a joke!?This has insulted my personality!

Alice stood up unsteadily, drew out the rapier, and said blackly.

"Asshole, don't force it, let's fight to the death!"

Crowder watched for a long time, and his head was big when the two quarreled.

Although Alice suddenly appeared to prevent herself from getting the key, Claude didn't know how many secrets she knew, and thought she had just appeared not long.

So Claude didn't give up on the key to the negotiation, and continued to play the role of the adventurer's companion, and couldn't help but interject.

"Two, please care for single dogs that have been in existence for more than 400 years. Don't show affection in public, let's talk about serious things?"

Merlin: "What show love!? Believe it or not, I hacked you to death!?"

Alice: "Yes, what an annoying fellow."

"Uh..." Claude was startled, unable to understand these two people, and said seriously, "I have no intention of interfering with the two, but can you give me the key first?"

"Impossible!" Alice showed a serious look, and said instead, "Merlin! Don't give the key to Claude. This guy is not a living person, but one of the four heroes who died more than 400 years ago, Bo Nard!"

"More than four hundred years ago?" Merlin looked at the silent Claude below, thinking that since he died more than 400 years ago, what stood in front of him was the undead?

"Yes, they are the remnants of the former kingdom. They are now resurrected by magic and want to revive the old dynasty." Alice paused, trying to let Merlin understand the situation in the shortest possible words. "Claude is here for the key. , There must be some big secret hidden, absolutely not to be handed to him!"

Big secret!?

It should be a very valuable treasure, right?

Oh ha ha ha, I have to turn over~

Merlin smiled crookedly, and a misconception appeared in his mind.

Claude was standing in the center with a huge sword in his hand, his body exuding heavy depression, unexpectedly Alice knew everything.

It seems that this woman has followed herself here secretly from the beginning, and has heard all the secrets.

In order to protect the revival plan of the former kingdom, both Alice and Merlin must die here, neither can be left!

Claude clenched the giant sword, the holy rank vindictiveness surged, first picked the soft persimmon, and rushed towards Alice.

How fast do you think the saint-rank martial artist will explode with all his strength?

Before the strong wind hit Alice's face, the Crowder arrived first, holding a huge sword and slashing at Alice's forehead!

"Huh!?" Alice was startled, her face turned pale, although she was prepared, Claude's explosive power was beyond her imagination.

Claude was still too naive and underestimated Merlin's speed and responsiveness.

Just before the unstoppable giant sword was about to split Alice's forehead, Merlin suddenly came to Alice.

"Huh, can't you bear it?"

Merlin used his bare-handed skills to grab the blade, and resisted the surging giant sword of Crowder!

With fierce storms and the surging holy-level fighting spirit, it can be seen how much Crowder's murder intention is.

"!!!" Claude was ashamed, and his heart was horrified, so fast!The action speed is faintly faster than turning on the storm mode by yourself!

Alice took a half step back in horror, and recovered a little bit, thinking that this bastard would actually save me?Isn't it another horrible idea?

"Sorry, our rent is half for one person. I can't let this washboard kneel here. I don't want to pay the full rent by myself." Mei Lin said lightly, and she didn't know if the funny expression was true or false.

Alice's expression suddenly collapsed, and she felt a little sense of loss in her heart. That said, she knew that this bastard was not so kind, how could she protect herself for no reason?

Claude kept pressing the great sword under the net, but the blade was held between Merlin's hands and it didn't move.

"Two, I don't want to be like this. If we are willing to give me the key, how about we assume nothing happened?"

"Not so good? The key is mine now." Merlin took it for himself unceremoniously, thinking that this key might have a big treasure, isn't it a fool to give it to others?He continued, "And you actually attacked us, then I'm not welcome, remember that you were very arrogant before? I can't wait to teach you what politeness is now..."

"It seems that there is no need to continue talking..." Claude's voice became low.

"Merlin, don't talk nonsense with him!"

Alice flashed out from behind Merlin, raised her rapier, and stabbed Claude's abdomen fiercely.

The sharp "Aria of Light" pierced through the dark armor, and even Claude's body was pierced!

Cloud is a resurrected undead, belonging to a dark creature, and "Aria of Light" is the feasibility of a dark creature, and the damage is doubled!

The holy sword scorched Claude frantically, causing his wounds to "hiss" burning, causing bursts of burnt smell.

Claude shuddered like an electric shock, and stepped back far away like lightning, pulling away, as if he was very afraid of Alice's rapier.

"Sure enough, it's a necromancer..." Alice looked at her rapier, and the blood on it slowly evaporated.

Claude crouched on the ground, clutching the wound in his abdomen, hissing white smoke, his tone was cold, and he said viciously

"You nasty dog ​​man and woman, the husband and wife and the gang suddenly attacked me!?"