Cahpter 46

After the storm.

This commission ends with the sutra.

The garrison corps went deep into the cemetery to investigate, and combined with Alice's report and confession, they already knew that the remnants of the former kingdom were still operating in secret.

This important piece of information was reported to the capital overnight by the stationed corps, and the raging dark tide finally surfaced and let the public know.

As for the biggest hero this time, it was not Merlin, but Alice.

Even if Merlin worked so hard, he only got the minimum guarantee, and the bonus of 5000 gold coins was given to Alice.

Although Merlin killed two BOSS, he was a dark iron adventurer, and besides, he was an ordinary person without magic and grudge.

So even if Alice didn't want to take Merlin's credit, no one believed that Merlin played a key role in the incident. They all thought that he was a paddler and had a wave of experience in the cemetery.

Although Merlin was a little disappointed, he didn't care too much, because he got the key, and felt that he was not far from getting the treasure and then the salted fish turned over. Thinking about it, he was a little excited~

As the biggest winner of this event, Alice has earned both fame and fortune. She has not only become a celebrity in Denby County, and a hero who solves the crisis, she also won 5000 gold coins on her trip, so she doesn't have to worry about living expenses this month.

Although it was a bit unkind for taking Merlin's credit, Alice was very happy to see Merlin's deflated appearance.

Think about Mei Lin always bullying herself, but now she is pulling her old face and looking upset, it can be regarded as the evil person's retribution.

In fact, Alice has an upright character and does not want to take Merlin's credit.

When explaining to the garrison corps, Alice truthfully said all the details and process.

Even Merlin killed two holy rank powerhouses with a single slash, she said so vividly.

But even if Alice tried to explain it, the garrison did not believe it at all!

Because Alice said that the Necromancer and Claude are both powerful, on the other hand, how does Merlin, a weak chicken dark iron adventurer who has no magical vindictiveness, kills the strong holy order?Everything seems incredible.

At the end of the day, everyone in the corps thought that Alice was insane after the battle, so they sent her away and gave a reasonable official explanation.

The necromancer and Claude fight to death, and when both lose their lives and their lives are hanging by a thread, Alice makes up for the knife, Merlin?Watching and paddling.

Alice was very helpless with this official explanation. Even if the Necromancer and Claude were seriously injured, she would not be able to beat them at all. These two were genuine Saint-Order powerhouses, not the parallel products of the Goblin Emperor.

But later, Alice didn't bother to explain it anymore, and was sent to a mental hospital for fear of being misunderstood.

After Merlin knew it, although she was a little unhappy, she didn't care. Both her body and mind were immersed in the daydream of using the key to obtain the treasure.

Bella, a reporter for the London Post, rushed to Denbighshire at the beginning of the incident.

When the result arrived, all the battles had ended and no first-hand news was received.

So Bella had to interview the parties involved in the Denby County crisis.

"Good evening, audience friends, I'm Bella, a reporter for the London Post. Not long ago, a large number of necrotic creatures emerged in Denbighshire, but with the joint efforts of Welsh adventurers and the Denbighshire Garrison, the incident was successfully resolved. However, under all these appearances, there are hidden great secrets. The forces of the former kingdom are still operating in the dark of Great Britain. Next, let us walk into the scene and interview the parties who experienced this incident firsthand..."

Bella took the microphone, followed by a group of camera crews.

"Hello sir, can you tell us about the situation at that time?"

"Yo? Interview me? Okay, okay, hiccups~" Hobbs held the wine bottle in his hand, turned around with a red nose, and said, "I am Hobbs, gender male , Hobby girl, 36 years old this year, hahahahahaha~"

"Okay thank you sir, next one." Bella clutched her nose and walked to Crowder. "Sir, can you tell me the whole story?"

"Ah~, why am I so handsome? As the eldest son of the Austin family, I had a handsome face since I was born. Under the pressure that people of the same age don't have, I have been handsome because of my face. Maid, my mother will be so handsome that she suffocates and faints every day when she sees my face. Can you understand how I feel? Being handsome is my original sin~" Arnold became ill again and danced in front of the reporter.

"Thank you, goodbye." Bella got goosebumps and hurriedly left. Seeing Merlin and Alice walking together, she greeted her.

The two had just returned from the garrison and were about to leave Denbighshire by car and return to Wrexham.

"Hello, can you tell me more about the situation this time?" Bella handed over the microphone.

"Hehe, ask her, the great hero of Denbigh County, she's so awesome..." Merlin said sourly beside her.

"Tsk! What's your tone?" Alice rolled her eyes.

"It turns out that you are Miss Alice!? I heard that you made up two holy rank powerhouses before you came. Now as the hero of Denbigh County, what is your mood?" Bella asked.

"Never mind, nothing..." Alice said with deep pressure, not doing it herself at all.

"The invisible pretence is the most deadly!" Merlin whispered again in a weird way.

"You're endless? I'm all talking for you. It's all your credit. People don't believe me to blame me? I was almost taken as a lunatic!" Alice stomped angrily. She understood that Merlin was unbalanced, but again I don't want to take credit.

"Then... Then, did you feel any psychological pressure when Miss Alice was fighting the two saint-level powerhouses?" Bella continued to ask.

"I'm telling the truth, it wasn't me! Don't bother me anymore!" Alice was so troubled that she couldn't explain it clearly.

"She meant that not only these two holy steps, but the entire holy steps of Great Britain are rubbish." Merlin murmured again next to him.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Alice picked up Merlin's dress collar and gritted her teeth angrily. "I didn't want to take credit for you. How many times do I have to explain before you believe it?"

"Come less, your prize money is half of mine." Merlin said rudely, and Alice became the biggest winner, which made him feel bad physically and mentally.

"Don't think about it!" Alice's face flushed, thinking that this bastard is actually thinking about my property!?

Bella smelled the scent of raw material, turned her head to the camera and started to make up

"Audience friends, have you seen it? The dog and the dog are in conflict due to the distribution of interests. They are now fighting in the den. They have to make people wonder whether the necrotic incident in Denby County was premeditated or planned? Where does the Corps defraud a large amount of money? The loopholes in the British system must be taken seriously by the authorities, in case there are people like this pair of dog men who continue to defraud our taxpayers' hard-earned money. What is behind all this is human Distortion, or moral loss!"

Known as a couple of dogs and dogs, they looked at the unscrupulous reporter blankly

Merlin: "Is her brain sick?"

Alice: "It's crazy."