Chapter 10

Merlin had an indifferent expression, everything was expected.

Anyway, I don't have magic power and grudge, I will be treated as a salted fish wherever I go, and I am used to it.

But Alice didn't think so, she felt very angry when she was not believed, so she pulled Lamelin.

"Hurry up and show them the slash, or they won't believe me and will treat me as a mental disorder!"

"Why do I have to do this kind of thing?" Mei Lin put on a look of impatience, originally she didn't bother to show her strength to salted fish, let alone add to the late stage of lazy cancer.

As for showing strength to the elder Taylor, it is because I want to get a job.

And to show Chapman?I don't have any plans, there is no need for this.

It will also make oneself be watched like a monkey, for fear that it is not because of his brain disease.

The real strong will shout in the street every day, I am very powerful, am I very ***?

This is not a real strong person, but a self-expanding mental retardation.

"Will you show me that you will die?" Alice was a little anxious, not wanting to be treated like crazy by these people.

"Oh, it's so boring, I don't bother to move..." Mei Lin squeezed her cheek and looked away.


Chapman snorted, not taking Merlin seriously at all, thinking that this guy was playing mystery.

Hearing what Alice said Merlin would do with a knife, Chapman became even more disdainful. What's so special about a rubbish skill that only puts POSS?

Now Merlin gave Chapman the impression that an ordinary villager was eating and waiting to die in the Adventurer's Guild, and used a knife to slash the trash from eating soft rice.

Chapman withdrew his contemptuous gaze and corrected his attitude slightly.

"Miss Alice, I hope you will cooperate with our investigation and answer Bernard's intensity questions truthfully."

"He's really amazing! There is also an ancient forbidden technique, and the explosive power in a short time is amazing!" Alice explained emotionally, her face flushed anxiously.

Chapman sighed, had to be serious, and said seriously, "Miss Alice, you know that we are the Knights of the Bauhinia, and are directly under the orders of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. If you don't cooperate with our investigation, what do I think? You know the consequences."

Alice frowned her eyebrows, thinking that the other party was a threat. If she couldn't speak up, she would be imprisoned, and there might be other punishments.

But I have already told the truth, what else to say?

Alice hesitated for a while, wondering whether to follow Chapman to say the least. Originally, this guy was a bit self-righteous because he was a royal knight.

"I hate other people's threats. Are the Queen's Knights very powerful?" Merlin was a little upset, and Alice spoke first.

"What do you mean? Are you questioning the authority of the Bauhinia Knights?" Chapman said arrogantly. He didn't want to talk to Merlin at first, but the other party was a bit rude, so he couldn't be ignored.

In the small space, bursts of gunpowder smelled suddenly.

"Heh, miscellaneous fish is also suitable..."

Alice hurriedly covered Merlin's mouth to prevent him from talking.

"Well, I admit that neither Necromancer nor Bernard is very strong, that is, high-level strength."

"I know it must be the case, how could a Saint-Rank powerhouse be compensated by you?" Chapman said with a smile, as if he was satisfied with this hypocritical answer.

Alice remained silent and didn't want to worry about it. It didn't matter what Chapman thought.

"It seems that the strength of the four heroes of the former kingdom is nothing more than this. It is only a vain name. It is a bit of an overkill to let Lord Sarhatin be responsible for eliminating the remnants of the former kingdom." Chapman shook his head with a smile, and stood up slowly, as if he was about to leave. .

"Yes, I also think that the four heroes have a false name, that Bernard is really weak..." Merlin agreed with him.

Alice couldn't stand it, and rolled her eyes twice, thinking that Merlin felt weak, but it didn't mean that others felt weak too!In his own opinion, Bernard is as powerful as a monster!Will you die if you don't pretend to be invisible?!

For Merlin, everyone looks like a weak chicken, but from the perspective of others, it's not like that at all.

"Huh, Miss Alice, your love is more honest than you." Chapman smiled.

Alice became impatient and shouted in her heart, we are not husband and wife!What love does not love others?This couple adventurer proved to be really annoying!

"Alice heard that, I'm more honest than you, haha~" Merlin felt a little happy.

"G, U, N!" Alice scolded in an atmosphere, very unbalanced in her heart.

"Finally, thank you for your cooperation, goodbye."

Chapman leaned slightly to express the knight's manners.

Then the three knights left directly together.

The room returned to quiet, and the two people were silent.

Merlin took out the key from her neck, thinking that it wasn't for the key, so lucky~

"What's going on in this era? I can't believe the truth?" Alice said with a complicated expression.

"I told you not to take it too seriously, we just need to take care of ourselves." Mei Lin said lightly, looking very openly.

"Why can't you show your strength? Is it nice to be underestimated by them?" Alice said angrily, mainly because she was upset by being misunderstood.

"Haha~" Merlin sneered and said meaningfully

"An ant is taunting nearby. Would you waste time trying to trample it to death?"

The three bauhinia knights are preparing to return to the capital of London and report the information to the ninth knight of thorns, Sarhatin.

Along the way, many villagers recognized the Bauhinia Knights and stopped to watch the three knights.

The Bauhinia Knights are hailed as the "Queen's Sword". It has a good reputation throughout Great Britain. It represents justice and promotes the knights of protecting the people.

It's a pity that these three are not the Twelve Thorns Knights, but ordinary knights.

If the Knights of Thorns came, the people would have to welcome them with applause and throw flowers.

A knight subordinate came up and asked Chapman, "Captain, what should I do next?"

"Return to the royal capital and report important information to Lord Sarhaddin. This time Lord Sarhaddin will be enough. It is worthwhile to help other thorn knights..."

What Chapman and his subordinates explained, did not notice the woman who thought the enchanting purple hair came to face him, it was Carolina, one of the four heroes of the former kingdom!She has reached Wrexham today.

Carolina faintly looked at the three Bauhinia knights, and directly passed Chapman.

Chapman shook his whole body and turned his head suddenly. He could no longer see the figure of the purple-haired woman just now, as if instantly disappeared from the crowd.

That person just now...

How come you look like Karona, one of the four heroes, the Dragon Rogue?!

It is very similar to the portraits recorded in the ancient books of the kingdom.

Legend has it that she is beautiful and enchanting, with a purple phantom shining in the dark night.

Know the dragon language, can communicate with the extremely powerful dragons, and drive them.

Chapman was surprised for a while, and it was difficult to determine whether the purple-haired woman who just passed by was a dragon-driving thief?

But even if the four heroes are resurrected, what are they doing in Wrexham?There seems to be no reason.

"What's the matter with the captain?" a subordinate asked curiously.

"Nothing, let's go..." Chapman shook his head and left directly


Was it my illusion just now?