Chapter 13

Merlin looked at Alice's dumb look, then shook her head.

how is this possible?

How could this idiot become my opponent?

Without mentioning IQ issues, strength alone is not qualified to be my dialogue.

What if Alice's artifact is in hand?

It's hard to tell if you can touch me...

Merlin put his worries in his stomach, and completely ignored Alice.

But that rapier is indeed a bit weird, can it leave scars on your body?It must be no ordinary thing.

Moreover, there was a repressed aura of light, which was not an ordinary rare weapon, it seemed that the original posture was sealed.

Alice was slightly delighted, "Aria of Light" had an effect on the demon Merlin, which was good news.

I think this sword is in the teacher's collection, but I haven't seen her use it. It turns out that it is still effective against Demon King Merlin, but it is not obvious. Sure enough, it is because Merlin is too powerful?

Merlin looked at Alice, did not intend to follow the origins of "Aria of Light", but said, "You have a good weapon, but it seems to be sealed, do you know it yourself?"

"Huh!?" Alice said in a daze, awkwardly, "No... I don't know, I stole the teacher the sword."

"Say it seriously, hey..." A bead of sweat fell on Mei Lin's forehead.

"My teacher has a lot of hidden swords, but this one is kept in a very secret place, and the appearance is the most beautiful. At that time, I thought this thin sword fits my beautiful appearance, so I stole it. , The result is surprisingly smooth." Alice said with interest.

Merlin's expression solidified on her face, thinking about her beautiful face, she forgot to praise herself at this time, and for a long time it means that it is a matter of a patch that is strong or not, and it is a lifetime thing to be handsome...

"It was actually sealed..." Alice frowned, and she had to go to the teacher to think about this, but she didn't want to see her, maybe she would take herself back to the Alps.

"Well, don't say anything that is useless, come on, try your best to attack." Merlin raised the wooden knife, not wanting to be fighting, but like playing with Alice, "I will give you a shot first, I Whether strong or not has nothing to do with Vientiane Jialuo. With all due respect, give me a broken branch and use a knife to cut it and destroy your 100,000 Vatican crusades in an instant."

"I'm not a brave now, don't call it "you"." Alice said uncomfortably, raising the rapier, seemingly eager to try.

"Think about you being caught by me as a sturdy laborer, taking off your clothes and laying on the beach, do you feel like a shame?" Merlin said a few rubbish, which greatly stimulated Alice's self-esteem. "If you feel humiliated, take revenge, Miss washboard~"

"Tsk!" Alice was speechless, her forehead bounced.

Alice still didn't believe Merlin's remarks that she could exert her strength with branches, because it was too exaggerated.

Merlin didn't have magical power and grudge, and he didn't rely on the power of the magic sword "Vientiane Jialuo."

Is Merlin's own strength very strong?Alice is skeptical about this.

In fact, Merlin is not strong, but the 9999 level "drawing knife and cutting" skill is too strong, no blow, no black, kill whoever kills.

Alice felt that Merlin had a rare opportunity to use the wooden knife, and she might be ashamed to defeat this bastard.

Then he used his high-heeled boots and stepped on Merlin's stinky face to relieve his anger.

Let Mei Lin always bully herself, now finally has a chance.

Alice was a little excited, so she started to act like she lost her mind.

Waving high-level magic surging, sending high-level magic "Frost Scourge"

Then Alice rose suddenly and rushed towards Merlin with a thin sword in her hand.

A great frost sword appeared above Merlin, and it stabbed down!

Then Meilin didn't move, and the Frost Greatsword dissipated directly when it reached his forehead, turning into waves of cold.

Merlin tilted her mouth and said faintly, "You guy really doesn't have a long memory. You know that I am immune to magic, so I still use magic? Come straight up and fight with real swords and guns..."

Alice frowned, feeling that Merlin's "magic immunity" was genuine and very difficult.

Until now, Alice couldn't figure out how Merlin did it. If the magic immunity is publicized, no one would believe it.

After all, it is too abnormal. With magic immunity, it is equivalent to abolishing the magician directly, no matter what magic, it will directly ignore it.

What wizard magic, dragon language magic, what is the difference between being unable to hit people and garbage?

But Alice didn't panic either, Frost Scourge was originally used to attract Merlin's attention.

Alice has rushed into Merlin's eyes at this time, and directly used her best martial art at this stage, "Extreme Ice Three Stage".

The rapier in his hand immediately condensed a layer of ice crystals, full of magic and vindictiveness, and burst directly when attacking, generating explosive power.

"Accept the move!"

Alice's attack made a fierce attack, and the rapier in her hand immediately picked up countless swords and flowers, shining in silver.

"Too slow."

Merlin used a wooden knife to open Alice's attack easily, still not forgetting a mockery.

Alice felt that her body was a little out of balance. After practicing swordsmanship for so long, she was easily resolved by Merlin's wooden sword, and this bastard's relaxed appearance did not use her full strength.

Immediately after the second segment, the flashing silver light of the rapier closed Merlin's eyes.

"It looks fancy, but it's useless..."

With a wooden knife, Merlin opened Alice's rapier and forced her back.

This attitude of despising people hurts Alice's self-esteem a bit. It seems that Merlin can't be touched by the swordsmanship she has trained for so long.

The stubborn Alice refused to admit defeat, and finally made a straight shot for the third stage, rushing to Merlin's heart and went.

"Go to hell! Bastard!"

"Ha ha..."

Merlin sneered, and the wooden knife slashed horizontally, hitting Alice's hand, making her scream, the rapier fell to the ground, it felt like it was stung by a scorpion, and it was painful to tears.

"What's the essence of Daxueshan? That's it..."

Merlin felt that she was bullying the children, very boring.

There is no need for any moves at all, and Alice knelt when she hit the weak spot.

Merlin backhanded the wooden knife back into position, drew the knife and slashed, and suddenly drew the knife unceremoniously. The murderous atmosphere exploded immediately and attacked the flustered Alice.

"Uh!" Alice's eyes widened, she felt the familiar pressure, and she felt a sense of death, making her soul fall into an ice cellar.

It turned out to be true, Merlin's strength had nothing to do with the magic sword, even the wooden sword had the same power.

The threats of near death stimulated Alice's potential. In just an instant, the high-level coercion suddenly sprinted up a lot, trying to escape from the sword.

But it has no effect, and the sword attack is faster than perception.

"Yeah!" Alice screamed and lay on the ground, her forehead red.

"Huh!?" Merlin accidentally stunned Alice with a stick, and fainted, his face turned dark and his face was full of consternation.



I really didn't want to fight Alice.

I just slipped my hand.