Chapter 21

Merlin suddenly thought of Asmontis, this beautiful fake woman.

I heard that it was to save the depressed economy of the Fourth Demon King Palace, so Asmontis was willing to put on women's clothing and became a Demon idol. The response was extremely enthusiastic, and his popularity became the popular lover of the entire Demon Race.

Once upon a time, his body has affected several generations of demons, and women's clothing has become a trend. When the elders of the parliament suppressed them, they were restrained. What they said affected the domineering image of the demons.

Countless female demons have survived the shadow of Asmontis, watching her husband secretly do shy things to the ladies' boss in the middle of the night, wake up!He is a man!

Anyone who has seen Asmontis, men will doubt their sexual orientation on the spot and become gay, and women will directly feel ashamed in front of him, thinking that he is the real woman, and that they are nothing but an ugly duckling.

How beautiful is the man Asmontis in a skirt?

A few simple examples can give a general explanation.

Where Asmundis goes, men will be bent. There are still many demon men who regard him as the goddess of their dreams, so they are all hundreds of years old, and they are still not married or even awakened. The weird sex of men and men, obsessed with big JJ girls, seriously interfered with the demon's reproduction plan.

Even the Council of Elders has several old men who are enthusiastic fans of Asmontis. Every time the assembly is held, they advocate the uniform wearing of skirts for the whole demons. They threaten to wear skirts once, and they will know the beauty and understand the world. How could there be such ugly clothes as men's clothing.

As a result, the two elders are still locked up in a mental asylum and they are crazy wearing little skirts.

The council had nothing to do with Asmontis, so he had to order him to change back to men's clothing, saying that he was the man who humiliated the entire demons.

But Asmontis refused and said a word

"You stinky guys laugh at me now, but one day they will shoot fucking on my stockings."

Asmontis's tough attitude has caused the relationship between the Fourth Demon King Hall and the Council of Elders to be very tense now.

Of course, these things are hard to explain the beauty of Asmontis, and there is one of the most legendary events.

Ten years ago, the Holy See organized the knights to march eastward to retake the Holy Land Jerusalem.

Asmontis lives on the route of the Eastern Expedition, located on an island in Sicily.

This group of knights passing through the Temple of the Fourth Demon King was seriously brainwashed. In response to the pope's call, they decided to defeat Asmontis in the process of the Eastern Expedition, and they boarded the islands to fight with the demons.

The battle at the time was very tragic. The Knights Army had a total of 200,000 troops, and the Fourth Demon King Hall had less than 50,000 demons. The knights had been fighting until the Demon King Hall.

But the beautiful Asmontis walked out of the hall and stood on the high platform, and the group of fierce knight masters suddenly stunned.

God!How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

Do not!How can you use such vulgar words as a woman, it should be a goddess!

The army of knights put down their weapons one after another, looking at Asmontis obsessively, their hearts beating wildly, making it hard to breathe.

This breathing stopped for more than 30 minutes, and the more than 200,000 troops of the Knights Legion directly suffocated and died, unexpectedly beautified by Asmontis's beauty?!

Asmontis didn't do anything the whole time, showing his face made the Knights suffocated and died, and resolved the crisis in the Fourth Demon King's Palace.

However, these knight masters who have been beautifully killed know that Asmontis is a big JJ girl in hell. I don't know how to feel, I am afraid that they will become more excited?

This incident was passed on by the Mozu word of mouth, and it became a legend. Since then, Asmontis has become synonymous with the beauty of the Mozu.

When Merlin heard this story, she felt that her whole person was not good, because there are too many slots, what kind of death is beautiful death?

However, Merlin still had a preliminary understanding of the beauty of Asmundis when she was in women's clothing.

Merlin remembers that the first time he saw Asmontis, it was at the Seven Kings Conference in the Death Marsh.

When I first saw it, I was shocked by the heavens, and my little heart beat wildly.

Merlin thought that he was very mature and would not show any impolite impulse to women, and as a result, he wanted to marry Asmondis as his wife.

Fortunately, Lilith couldn't bear the look of Merlin's squinting, and told Asmontis that it was a pure man to stop his restless heart.

Merlin suddenly fainted, but it was a pity that it was rare for a woman to make herself so restless and be a big lady in women's clothing for a long time.

But it's also a good thing, I almost became GAY, so I was sober.

What an embarrassing situation would be if he pushed Asmontis down, kissed him again and again, and suddenly touched his huge behemoth.

Merlin didn't like pseudonymous mothers, and was hard to accept both physically and mentally, and didn't want to awaken some strange hobbies, but she also had to admire the beauty of Asmundis.

Merlin had a normal relationship with other monarchs, except that he had a good relationship with Asmontis, and he was a good friend and often chatted.

The reason is that as a traveler, Merlin has knowledge of modern aesthetics, these things are unheard of by Asmontis, so he often discusses the topic of "fashion" with Merlin.

All kinds of sexy underwear, suspenders, stockings, short skirts, etc., have caused a great shock to Asmontis, thinking that Merlin is a "fashion" genius, thinking differently from others.

But Merlin and Asmontis are really friends, not a dirty PY relationship, you can't think about it.

Merlin didn't expect to see his friends' subordinates here, so he said casually.

"So you are a perverted subordinate of women's clothing? It's really strange."

Helena's face changed, and she said in a slightly serious tone, "Master Lucifer, even if you are an arrogant monarch, I cannot allow you to ridicule my master."

"I'm used to it, I accidentally used this name in private, sorry."

Merlin scratched his head, but did not feel angry because of Helena's attitude. He felt it was normal. After all, Asmontis was her master.

"By the way, don't call me Lucifer anymore. Now I am not a demon king, but a demon wandering in the human world."

"No, as long as the parliament cannot elect a new arrogant monarch, you will still be Your Majesty Lucifer, and your status will not change." Helena said respectfully, completely refusing to raise her head to speak.

"Is there such a rule..." Merlin frowned and wondered if there is any use of status, no right to fart, and he has been away for so long, it will be a matter of time before the parliament elects a new demon king, but can he get the old subordinates? Acknowledging that is two different things.

"Master Lucifer, my lord has been waiting for you for a long time, please come in with me." Helena bowed and turned to open the door.

"Huh?" Merlin frowned, thinking that Asmontis was behind this door?

Dark secret room.

The flames flickered constantly.

Merlin stood in front of the magic screen, and Helena stood in the corner waiting for her order.

It turned out to be long-distance communication, not to see me. Considering that Sicily is far away from Great Britain, it is impossible for Asmontis to leave the Fourth Demon Palace at will.

Merlin waited, thinking that he and Asmontis hadn't seen each other for more than a year. What can I do for myself today?

The magic screen flashed, suddenly lit up, and an extremely beautiful "woman" appeared in front of the screen

"My friend, it's been a long time since I saw you..."