Chapter 41

"It's cold..." Even though Alice was wearing a scarf, she still felt a little cold, her body shivering.

"The closer it is to the village, the lower the temperature will be. It seems that this dragon has a good power and can actually change the current weather." Mei Lin said lightly.

"Isn't it... the legendary Malygos?" Alice's expression was stern, and she was suddenly stressed.

"I really hope it's the Frost Sacred Dragon." Mei Lin tilted his mouth. He was really one of the six sacred dragons, so lucky.

"Then this mission is not very difficult?" Alice was a little worried. If she really saw Malygos, she might be frightened, and her high-level strength would not help at all.

"It's very difficult for you, but it's not too easy for me." Merlin spread out his hands, looking relaxed.

"Um..." Alice was a little angry, feeling that Merlin despised herself again and regarded herself as a soy sauce worker.

"But I feel that at least it is only a holy dragon. You will be responsible for cleaning the field." Mei Lin was still a little happy, feeling that this time it was not in vain, and the heart curse would definitely be relieved. From the current situation Look, it can change the weather, this dragon is definitely above the holy rank.

"I...I can fight, too!" Alice was very stubborn holding her rapier.

"Your current strength can't help at all. It's better not to come over and drag me back~" Merlin smiled, having no hope that Alice can be her own help.

"Less...Less look down on people!" The hair on Alice's angry head became straight.

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, it seems to be in Lowecole village." Merlin motioned to Alice to be quiet.

Alice looked ahead and did see the village, but it had become a bit dilapidated. Many houses collapsed, as if buried in the ice and snow, only a few lights were on.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a very eye-catching cone in the middle of the village...

Do not!It can no longer be called an ice cone, but a huge iceberg, towering into the clouds.

Although not as good as Mount Benny in the distance, it is also quite spectacular, and it feels like it is almost touching the low-pressure clouds.

This iceberg crushed most of the village houses underneath and smashed into ruins, exuding a strong chill.

It seems that this iceberg that appeared out of thin air is the reason why the winter here is a few months earlier.

"What's that? Why is there an iceberg here?" Alice's eyes widened in astonishment, feeling very unbelievable, even if she was so far away, she could still vaguely feel the overwhelming magic.

"Maybe it was the ghost of the dragon?" Merlin was very calm and was not scared at all.

"Is it really the legendary frost holy dragon Malygos?" Alice asked in surprise, her voice trembling a little.

"I'm not sure yet. I have fought against the bright sacred dragon Ives. If it is Malygos of the same level, the magic is not just as simple as creating a small iceberg." Merlin said casually, without saying anything, no Excluding the possibility of the Frost Sacred Dragon, what if it is hiding its strength?

Alice also thinks about it. Legend has it that Malygos has frozen over half of the Greenland Sea. This iceberg is really nothing, but it is enough to shock most people.

Alice's eyes on Merlin were full of horror. She felt that he was simply a metamorphosis. The magic power that could condense such a big iceberg was far less than the six sacred dragons. How did he make the light sacred dragon surrender?

"There seems to be someone at the entrance of the village?" Merlin saw Simon Anne in disguise by Carona.

Alice followed Merlin's gaze and looked over, and there really was a girl in linen, "It looks like she should be a resident of the village."

Merlin took out the parchment from his arms, looked at the client's name, and said, "Just ask this client about the client's information, and then go to find out the current situation in the village."

"Yeah." Alice nodded, without any objection, thinking that she hadn't been an adventurer for a few days, but she was quite skilled.

The two drove the donkey cart, speeding up, and came to Simon Anna, who was pretending to be Carolina.

Merlin tightened the reins harder, and the donkey stopped in front of Annie.

Alice looked at the girl and found it very ordinary. She should be a girl about 16 years old. The freckles on her face looked innocent and cute.

"Hello, are you a resident of Lowekor Village?"

"Yes." Annie nodded, her voice slightly childish.

"Then do you know a person named Simon Anne?" Alice asked patiently, seeing that the other person was younger than herself, so she had the same attitude as a big sister next door.

"Brothers and sisters are adventurers?" Annie knew it, she was innocent and cute on the surface, but she was a 400-year-old Carolina grandmother on the inside!

Alice picked up the golden adventurer around her neck and shook her, "Yes, we are adventurers."

"Alice Clodia..." Annie looked carefully at the small golden sign and muttered. She immediately made a very surprised expression and covered her mouth. "You are Miss Alice? The next one must be Mr. Merlin!"


Alice and Merlin looked at each other, feeling a little strange.

Merlin looked at Annie and asked faintly, "You don't seem to only recognize our names?"

"Ah, I almost forgot. It would be very rude not to introduce myself first." Annie said innocently, holding her chest with her hand, "My name is Simon Anne, the adopted daughter of the village chief."

"So you are Simon Anne? Our client?" Alice was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I have been waiting for you here for a long time." Annie said with a smile.

Alice was slightly taken aback, thinking that the one who entrusted us was actually a young girl, which was really rare.

"Let's not waste time. Father, he is already waiting for his brothers and sisters in the church. This time the dragon's attack was very sudden. The homeless people are taking refuge in the church. Your father wants to talk to you about the commission there. Matter." Annie said seriously.

Karona is indeed a legendary thief, and her disguise is really powerful. She is obviously a 400-year-old old lady, but imitating a 16-year-old girl is really wonderful.

"Then you come up, we will go to church together now." Alice responded.


Annie nodded and slowly got into the donkey cart, watching Merlin and Alice's eyes flashing a few shrewd looks.

After scanning the necks of the two of them for a few moments, Annie, who was disguised as Carona, could not help but frown, thinking anxiously

What a hell!

Why is there only an adventurer's certificate on their necks, but no key to the Hell Legion?

Is it hidden in the clothes?Don't leave it alone, or you will be in trouble...