Chapter 48

Carolina let go of her hand, letting Alice, who was in a coma, fall to the ground.

"It's so boring, it's hard to move your muscles and bones, the opponent is actually a weak high-level."

Carlo shook his head, smiled self-deprecatingly, and began to read ancient spells.

A deep black hole suddenly appeared in front of him, and slowly walked out of the man with a smiley mask and bandages.

It is one of the four heroes of the former kingdom, the elder brother of the Gemini Juggernaut, Zoe!

"Yo~, Carona..." Zoe's voice was hoarse, enough to hug his body, "What can I do if you call me? Are you asking for my help?"

"I do need you to do me a little favor." Carolina said blankly.

"I heard your Majesty said that you don't need my help at all. Is it because the enemy is too strong and you have to bow your head to me, proud?" Zoe smiled very gloomy, like a ghost, with a gloomy feeling.

"Don't be kidding, this little haste won't make me bow to you, but it's for our common good." Karona's voice was a little cold, and she was very upset with Zoe.

"Huh, what do I need to do?" Zoe said with a cold snort.

"Bring this woman back to our stronghold." Carona pointed to Alice on the ground.

Zoe stared at the unconscious Alice on the ground and asked, "Why? What's so special about this woman?"

"The key to the Hell Legion was taken away by their couple. Now the key is not taken with them. I don't know who they gave it to. I plan to treat this woman as a hostage, and let her husband take the key in exchange." Carona In short.

"Why is it so troublesome? Wouldn't it be better to catch them and use torture to tell them the whereabouts of the keys?" A trace of enthusiasm flashed in Zoe's bloodshot eyes.

"Her husband is not that easy to deal with, it's a bit difficult to catch it." Carolina said lightly.

"It can make you feel the pressure. It seems that the other party is quite strong. Would you like me to help you?" Zoe squinted and became interested in Merlin.

"No, who do you think I am?" Carona smiled, and said arrogantly, "I have invited Malygos long ago. I think that guy is fighting hard now, or has been killed by the Frost Dragon I stepped on it."

"You actually invited Malygos?" Zoe was slightly astonished, a little shocked in his heart, this legendary sacred dragon thought he would have died long ago, but he didn't expect to be alive.

"Are you scared?" Carolina was a little proud of it.

"It's not scary, but I'm a little surprised. The fusion of my brother and I is very powerful, and it may be able to tear the frost holy dragon." Zoe said meaningfully, seemingly not afraid of the frost holy dragon.

"Huh!" Carlo snorted coldly, not believing Zoe, thinking he was bragging.

"I'm going to see the situation over there quickly, and you can send the hostages back quickly."

"If possible, I would love to cut off that man's tongue by myself."

"No one who calls my aunt will end well..."

The time goes back a while ago.

Merlin punched the frost holy dragon into the open space slightly far from the church.


The frost holy dragon let out a low roar, and fell to the ground in an embarrassing manner, sliding out a long ravine.

Merlin followed and fell from the sky, looking at the frost holy dragon with a smile, his eyes full of war.

"You are Malygos? The scales are pretty, like crafts..."

"Small human beings, dare to slap me in the face? You will eventually pay a tragic price!"

Frost Sacred Dragon's stalwart body quickly got up from the ground, shook his dragon wings, and began to circle Merlin, his icy blue eyes full of alert.

Being able to shake one's body and make one feel pain, the human being in front of him is not simple, and his strength is already very good.

But after he gets serious, this tiny human being will definitely be killed by himself!

The Frost Sacred Dragon has full confidence in his own strength. There are not many people in the entire human world that can make it stand out, and it can be counted with one hand.

"Let me pay a tragic price? Well, this is a happy thing. I wish your power could hurt me."

Merlin followed the Frost Sacred Dragon in circles, always keeping it facing him, maintaining a posture facing the battle.

One person and one dragon warned each other in the open space, and walked around. This open space became a Colosseum, and only one person could survive.

"You really are an arrogant human being. Did ignorance make you lose your fear? I am Malygos, one of the six sacred dragons!!"

The frost sacred dragon roared, the huge dragon roar seemed to be able to tear the sky apart, a guy who couldn't feel the power of magic and grudge, didn't even bow to his dragon's might, but had an arrogant attitude!?This makes it very annoying.

Even if he knew that Merlin had some strength, the Frost Sacred Dragon still felt that he was not his opponent, but instead thought that the opponent was an ignorant fool.

"Huh?" Merlin frowned and said lightly, "I know you are the Six Great Sacred Dragons, but I don't think it's a big deal."

"What are you talking about!?" Frost sacred dragon raged up in anger, and someone dared to look down on their six sacred dragons?Afraid it wasn't the donkey kicked in the head?

The dragons are all very dignified guys. It is hard to hold back being so despised by the tiny humans. You must kill the opponent to calm the anger.

Now Mei Lin was a dead person in the eyes of the Frost Sacred Dragon, but he was sent to the door by himself.

"In my eyes, the six sacred dragons are no different from ordinary lizards, except that they have a higher IQ." Merlin spread his hands and continued, "For example, the bright sacred dragon among you is now my dog. Every time I call it Wangcai, I still wag my tail~"

"Nonsense! Avis can't be like this! Our great sacred dragon will never surrender to humble humans!" The frost sacred dragon roared frantically, bringing a cold blizzard.

"Really, Ives is now the lowest-ranking fellow in the demons, and you are about to die right away, I don't have to lie to you." Merlin shook his head, thinking that some guys with high self-sufficiency are just hard to accept reality.

"What are you kidding?" The Frost Sacred Dragon suddenly set an attack posture, the golden flame in his eyes burned fiercely, "A humble human! How dare you to humiliate us so much, do you want to die that way?!"

"Ha, I won't die, because you must be the one who fell in the pool of blood!" Mei Lin stubbornly held the cold wind, arrogantly fingered Frost Sacred Dragon.

"Humble humans!!"

The frost sacred dragon was furious, and the dragon wings that shook the sky and covered the sun unceremoniously ejected the dragon's breath from the mouth. The blue-white beam of light came with a terrifying low temperature, and all the places it passed were sealed by ice.

But unfortunately, in front of the magic-immune Merlin, none of them has any effect!

The dragon's breath attacked Meilin's front and dissipated in an instant, a small part of it avoided Meilin, splashed behind him, and created countless beautiful ice ridges out of thin air!

The Frost Sacred Dragon widened his eyes, took a step back subconsciously, and exclaimed with his mouth open.
