Flashback - The Kingdom of Xiantra

Xiantra Palace, Capital City.

Xavier and his five followers exited the magic portal and came out directly in front of the Xiantra palace. A general greeted Xavier.

"His Majesty the King and Queen are waiting for you in the main palace hall." The general escorted Xavier and his wizards. They entered into the strong palace wall.

Along the way Edith looked around the palace corridors. Incredibly beautiful, magnificent. Coatings of gold, lazuli, rubies, and gems abounded the wall. So in stark contrast to her life when she was still living in the village. Every few meters there were soldiers standing guard, they saluted each time the general passed in front of them.

Two large doors opened simultaneously. Xavier went inside and bowed in respect. He did not even dare to lift his face before the King gave permission. The King and Queen welcomed the arrival of this supreme mage with happy faces.