Flashback - You'll be My Luna

Edith who had just studied time magic tried to enter Xavier's final thoughts before he died. But Xavier's corpse was too rotten. There was nothing Edith could find except a name that had replayed before his death.

"Fenrir. Lord Xavier said that name before he died." Edith was increasingly convinced that something was wrong with his death and the relation with her future husband.

Edith was pacing in her room, she had to think of something to prevent Jayden from marrying her. Edith must return to the Red tower and replace Xavier's role as supreme Mage. It wasn't only Xiantra that needed the supreme mage's power. There were still three other big kingdoms. But if Edith returned, she would never be able to find out the cause of Xavier's death.

"Oh, what should I do, I'm going crazy!" Edith sighed in annoyance.