People in the Pirate, the beginning of Thor Rey Chapter 99

With Qin Luo and Bai Beast Kaiduo as the center, the entire area exploded, and the earth shattered every inch.

  The terrifying flames swept in all directions, swallowing everything in that area!

  In the thunderous roar.

  A figure flew upside down from the mushroom cloud, smashing many broken walls in succession, and slamming on the ground in the distance with a bang, and the whole ground cracked a deep gully.

  "It's Kaido!"

  When the dust and smoke dissipated, the pirates in the distance could not help but utter horror when they saw this scene with a binoculars, because the figure flying upside down was indeed the four emperors and beasts Kaido!

·· ······Find flowers 0 ··

  Many people couldn't help but swallowed, with deep fear in their eyes.

  In this world, the only person who can blast the beast Kaido head-on is the white beard. Other people, even Red Shanks, have the upper hand in attack at most, and want to blast. It is almost impossible to fly the beast Kaido.

  But now, the beast Kaiduo was blown out abruptly under Qin Luo's frontal blow!

  Although he didn't suffer any substantial harm, he still shocked many people.

  "This guy has just been hailed as the fifth emperor by the world, is his strength already so strong?"

  "Could it be that his strength is stronger than the world's strongest white beard? How did he do it at such a young age?"

... .... ....

  "We should be grateful that he is not the navy, but the pirates camp, otherwise, we may suffer a lot!"

  "That said, the Tianlong people killed well, and the decadent world government is also the time to be hit hard by history!"

  far away.

  Many pirates of the major powers were also experiencing heart palpitations, and couldn't help but talk, and their tone was a bit of fear.

  It doesn't matter whether Qin Luo can deal with Kaido or not, at least at this moment, Qin Luo's strength is definitely the strongest supernova in history!

  When they were shocked, the beast Kaiduo rose from the ground and rushed to Qin Luo again!

  Bai Beast Kaiduo was so fast that he didn't give Qin Luo a chance to accumulate his strength, and tried to knock Qin Luo over with his fist.

  But Qin Luo was not afraid, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

  "Devilish Blood Fall (Berger)!"

  boom! !

  Qin Luo stood with a sword, facing the sudden attack of the beast Kaido, he directly thought, and instantly absorbed Kaido's blood within the range, generating blood cells and launching it to the front to cause a blood gas explosion.

  The monstrous flames rose instantly and roared in all directions.

  The beast Kaido slammed into the flames. Although he stubbornly resisted the sweeping flames, the momentum of the impact was severely curbed.

  With a backhand sword, Qin Luo repelled Kaido the beast again.

  With one's own power, first defeated the bigmom emperor deputy Kata Kuri, and then fought against the four emperors Kaido, not falling in the wind, and evenly matched, this scene shocked and sluggish countless people. two.

Chapter 132:

  "It seems that you kid really has a certain level of strength. Otherwise, how could you kill Jack, but then I will take it seriously."

  Bai Beast Kaido folded his arms on his chest and slid back more than ten meters before he stood firmly, while the ground under his feet was broken and broken.

  He looked at Qin Luo, and his eyes revealed a low and solemn touch.

  In the face of Qin Luo today, even he had to be completely serious!

  "Haha, are you serious?"

  "Take my sword first!"

  Qin Luo's expression became sad and unhappy, he suddenly rotated Bai Ren Zhou gently, letting him fall from before him.

  Senbon Sakura King Yan!

  Furious War·Blood Rage!

  Qin Luo's physical strength will be extremely terrifying every time he casts the Zanpaku Sword, but correspondingly, he will get extremely powerful and extremely powerful!

  Hundreds of thousands of red cherry blossoms were scattered, each with a frightening to heart-palpiting atmosphere. These cherry blossoms were like phoenix feathers, hanging beside Qin Luo.

  "what is that?!"


  Many people watched this scene with an inexplicable tightness in their hearts, and their eyes showed palpitations and infinite vigilance.

  They have all seen Qin Luo defeating the Qianben Sakura Jingyan released by Doflamingo on the islands of Chambord. The hundreds of millions of cherry blossom blades are like sea water, spreading unstoppably.

  But when the billions of cherry blossoms turned crimson, it gave a completely different feeling.

  If the pink cherry blossoms feel like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​Lingran, then this crimson cherry blossoms feels like a fascinating flower from hell!

  Every flower petal feels like a volcano about to erupt, which makes people tremble.

  Without staying, Qin Luo stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and the scarlet cherry blossoms all over the sky quickly flew and gathered.


  Hundreds of millions of red-red cherry blossoms, with red-red wings spread out behind Qin Luo, like a phoenix spreading its wings.

  It is undoubtedly a challenge to integrate the power of the magma of the Berserker into Chibon Sakura, and success is a powerful force!

  A horrible and depressing atmosphere appeared on the entire island. All the pirates could not help but feel palpitations and inexplicable horror as they watched this scene.

  Bai Beast Kaido also seemed to be shocked by the suppressed aura, staying on the spot, with a pair of eyes looking dangerously at Qin Luo's hands.

  Hum! !

  With this sword swung, it was not the sword energy that fell, but the scary red cherry blossoms around Qin Luo, which suddenly split into two halves, like two wings, flying towards the beast Kaido.

  Bai Beast Kaido also increased his vigilance in his heart, and he felt inexplicably, under this sword, he might die.

  This level of attack, if he doesn't defend himself, is enough to kill him!

  This kind of power can be regarded as the most powerful attack he has seen since the birth of the beast Kaido.

  To know.

  He once singled out the White Beard Pirates group, exhausted his energy and went into a coma, and was captured by the White Beard Pirates, but even then, White Beard could not kill him who was in a comatose state without defense.

  As for Qin Luo's attack, he felt the threat of death!


  Bai Beast Kaido did not hesitate, yelled, and directly urged the armed domineering to the extreme, and then greeted him, facing Qin Luo's attack, he was not so easy to avoid, and he did not choose to dodge.

  Face all attacks without fear, this is his style!

  boom! !

  Qin Luo's attack fell suddenly and exploded beside him.

  Qin Luo's attack on Kaido of the beasts was like a bright golden sun directly between the heavens and the earth!

  The dazzling and brilliance of the light is almost indescribable in words. An attack of this level gives people the feeling that there is no horror, but a sacred and irresistible feeling!

  "What level of power is this...!"

  Even the first-class powerhouses are terrified in their hearts. They all feel that if they are in the center and absolutely cannot hold on to a breath, they will be purified into dust!

  No one can open their eyes.

  This dazzling light was even more dazzling than Huang Yuan's Ba Chi Qiong Gou Yu.

  When the light gradually disappeared, a sinkhole suddenly appeared in the center of the island.

  Everything in the pit was turned to ashes, and there was even no dust left.

  At this moment, the beast Kaido had extremely severe burn marks on his body, and even half of his body was burnt black. If it were replaced by an ordinary person, this kind of injury would have died many times.. ... ...

  Even if he urged the armed color domineering to the extreme, coupled with his terrifying body, it would be difficult for him to remain unscathed under Roya's dual solution state moves!


  Bai Beast Kaido coughed violently without coughing up any blood. What he coughed up was a burst of burnt black smoke.

  His tragic situation made the pirates in the distance all aghast to incredible.

  "Unbelievable, that move can actually cause Kaido to be injured so badly...this is never before!"

  Even when the beast Kaido faced the siege of the Whitebeard Pirates, he had never suffered such a serious injury. The terrifying power of Qin Luo's attack was evident!

  "Could it be that Qin Luo's strength has exceeded the limit that Kaiduo can bear?"

  "It is conceivable that if Kaido does not defend, and takes that blow head-on, he will most likely die!"

  The beast Kaido will die!

  There is no need for excessive explanation, just this sentence is enough to explain the horror of Qin Luo's attack!

  You must know that the Four Emperors Pirates, as well as the world government and navy, have tried various methods to kill the beast Kaido. They almost thought about everything they could think of, but they all failed!

  No one can kill Kaido, which was almost universally recognized before.

  Shit! Shit! !

  The beast Kaido made a terrifying sound, it was the sound of muscle cracking.

  Under the horrified gaze of many people, his scorched half of his body cracked and fell off abruptly.

  And after all the skin and muscles on his outside were shed, new flesh and blood appeared inside.

  The rapid growth of this flesh and blood, and in a short span of time, Kaido of the beasts once again recovered as before.

  "It didn't die like this..."

  Qin Luo looked at the state of Kaiduo Beast, his eyes twinkling.

  While the beast Kaido has a strong defense, it also has a strong ability to recover.

  At this moment, Kaido seemed to show a terrifying recovery ability.

  But in fact, only he himself knew how much stamina and vitality he consumed to recover from such a serious injury!

  If you do it again, he may not be able to recover!

  Bai Beast Kaido stared at Qin Luo with a pair of dangerous, creepy eyes, and suddenly grinned, "It's really...a bit painful."

Chapter 133:

  Kaido, the beast, has always had a very straight personality. Red-haired Shanks and White Beard can't kill him, so his attacks on Shanks and White Beard are called tickles.

  And Qin Luo's attack, in his sense, obviously surpassed the white beard and the red-haired Shanks.

  Qin Luo hit the beast Kaido severely, causing silence in the audience, and everyone fell silent.

  Even if Qin Luo could slash the blow just now, Kaido's eyes were still fearless.

  Kaido stood opposite Qin Luo, his face not only showed no fear, on the contrary, there was a touch of creepy excitement and hideousness.

  In the past, only one person played against the entire navy, or a group of Four Emperors and Pirates, to make him feel passionate. Now facing Qin Luo alone, he has also risen a surging intent to fight!

  "This feeling has not been felt for a long time."

  Bai Beast Kaido grinned, grinning terribly.

  Although most of his physical strength was consumed, if Qin Luo could take out the previous attack, he might really die here, but Kaido, the beast, did not consider this problem at all!

  What he wants now is to fight to the end!


  Qin Luo also thinks this way.

  This battle will increase the progress of his Ghost Swordsman to 90%, a qualitative leap!