The beginning (or not) pt.2

"Whats your question?" asked the professor while pointing at a student sitting behind a desk with one of their arms in the air.

"With all due respect, sir, why is it forbidden to carry out research in the subject of death? In the modern magical era, where all possible forms of magic flourish, people still die and I don't see why that is something we can't do anything about..."

"Good question, as long as you only inquire and do not tap into the forbidden knowledge, you have nothing to be afraid of. Now to answer your question, I will have to briefly talk about Queen Cerella and her impact on this world..."


So when his 'vacation' ended, he began his plan.

It was difficult to say the least.

In some lives, when he was an animal or anything lower in intelligence it was very easy to die, he barely had to try at all. Most animal offsprings die very fast in nature, so he never had a problem with that. Altough once he was born as an animal in captivity of some intelligent life forms, and that was the worst. Even when he was born as one of those intelligent lifeforms that dominated their planet, or at least their surroundings, he only had to wait some time before he gathered some knowledge then offed himself, but being born as an animal in captivity is the ultimate counter to his plan. He was unable to die in any way, as he was monitored all the time. Not like that was so bad, he just had to sit back and relax, do nothing as he was fed and properly cared for.

This kept going until finally, at one life he was able to stop and start doing his work. He was born as an actual human, the form he was most comfortable with. On another note, he was born as a woman, which was a huge inconvenience every time he encountered this problem. His whole mind was structured to be a human and male, and even though he got a multitude of other bodies and genders, most of them his mind rejected and he could only live as a cripple in those circumstances.

But being a human is lucky enough for him, so instead of crying over spilled milk, he tried his best to keep to his plan.

He managed to get a really easy childhood, his new parents were very rich and they had many children. Dave had nothing to worry about, while also the world contained some form of magic. He noticed that magic is not the same everywhere. While the laws of physics are usually very similar wherever he lived, probably because they are required for life to exist whatsoever, magic is usually different in how it works or how it affects the world itself.

In one of the magical worlds Dave got to know that there was only one actual existing entity in that whole world called the Godhead, who kept the dimension as it is by dreaming about it. Their subconscious kept all the physical and magical laws in place there. This was common knowledge, because pillars of the Godhead's consciousness were given material form in the dream, actual existing 'gods' that interacted with the people and ruled over them. They were some sort of collection points by which people were given magical power, only a lesser form of what the pillars had.

In another world spirits were capable to channeling the magical energies there, while humans were unable to do anything by themselves, which meant many humans teamed up with spirits to do magical things.

In the one Dave managed to find a good life, magic only worked when the magician used a specific language with specific bodily movements. All the research there was directed towards finding the specific combinations to make new spells.

Getting to know this Dave did everything in his power to study magic. His final goal was to find a way to stop reincarnating or live for ever in one place, or something similar.

The plan was good, the circumstances were great and the progress was coming along, but then Dave became impatient.

The setting of the world was that of a medieval Earth, where magic was the one and only science out there, all the research went towards studying magic, while ordinary inventions that were meant to improve the quality of life without magic getting involved were left behind to collect dust in an old archive's gloomiest corner.

A small part of the population, the social elite held all the power while the poor were only used to produce food and materials. Magicians only came from the noble bloodlines, and the gap between the rich and the poor was so huge, that any attempt to bridge it ended in bloodshed and massacre.

Dave lived 52 years in this world, at first studying to become a tool of diplomacy, as it is expected from young noblewomen, then when he was sent away to get married, he got even more lucky, as he caught one of the princes' eye and he was able to marry into the royal family. His extreme inclination towards magic was noticed, he was given official training and later was given a lab to conduct studies. Dave had a really easy life in that world, he was given money, time, servants and attention to reach whatever he wanted, not counting the gender problem.

But when he turned 50 he suddenly realized he was way over his prime and he barely made any progress. Soon he started ramping up everything, he started using people as cattle himself to study how magic could circumvent death. At one point his husband died and even though, trough sheer force of will Dave managed to uphold his duty as a queen and produced an offspring, the child was still too young to rule, so Dave was made Regent Queen of Rabdon, the poorest and least developed country of the continent. He never actually cared about ruling, so he just let whatever council there is to do its thing.

By the time he turned 52 he was known as Bloody Cerella. Even though he never managed to find the key to living forever, he never stopped experimenting on humans, and from the outside people could only see, that their queen was a bloodthirsty witch. One day riots broke out throughout the kingdom and soon the revolt reached the palace. There the palace guard put up a good fight, but was felled, and Dave got massacred, so he was forced to go on his way to give reincarnation another spin.