The Awakening

Ice: Who are you and why are you attacking my people?

?: Your people? To your surprise, you probably don't know that your king sells people.

Ice: What do you mean?

?: Better look at the friend who is in danger. Tokyo observes that since that man unleashed his power, he has become stronger and stronger. Above him, he saw a huge figure wielding a huge sword that seemed to double its power.

But something strange was noticed by Tokyo. Tokyo: In the name of God!

A huge fiery lion's head fighting the huge figure. Leo came from the wrath of Red, who had a sharp cat-like eye and was moving towards the man with the sword.

Red: Who do you think you're fighting? YOU BERSERKER THINK YOU ARE MORE STRONG THAN ME! I will kill you either in the form of a lion or in the form of a human.

Ice: Ice wall!

Red miraculously recovered, although he seemed very nervous again.

Ice: Stop! This is a masquerade, I want to know the names of the two people we fought. Slayer: My name is Slayer.

Berserker: You already know me, Berserker. Ice: Don't you want to ally with us?

S&B: It would be a good option, but with what will we benefit from that alliance.

Red: An extremely strongly united family. Berserker: You're not a demon coming out of the seal?

Red: No! Wait, you two are monsters from Black's sword.

Slayer: Yes. You must protect Red our leader is after him.

Tokyo: That's not good at all, we should hurry to Jonas' place then.

At the same time at the court of the kingdom. Messenger: The dragon king has arrived and wants to see you.

King: Let him in.

Dragon King: It's been a while, Yang, we haven't seen each other in a long time, I'll let you know.

Yang: Lucas, you're right, whatever you want to tell me.

Lucas: Red and Tokyo came to my castle and recruited Ice.

Yang: So they survived?

Lucas: Yes, but the army has remained loyal to me, and if you need military help, you know who to call.

Yang: I would have turned to you anyway. I hope to see you again soon Lucas!

And at the same time at Jonas' house.

Black: Jonas, I managed to wield the sword again, although I don't know if it's as strong. Jonas: Mastery matter not the edge. I have a bad feeling!

Black: What would that be?

Jonas: I have a feeling about Red being hunted.

Black: Tokyo is with him, it will be difficult for someone to defeat them.

Jonas: Not if he has the skill on his side and has the hunting experience.

Lisa: Could I talk to you, Mr. Jonas?

Jonas: Of course my dear! What exactly would it be?

Lisa: About the power that is said to have it, I would like to know how to wake it up and use it.

Jonas: Tomorrow you will come behind the wells near the lake and we will practice there.