After talking to Lisa, Jonas went home and went to sleep and had a nightmare.
?: You need to focus more Jonas! Otherwise, you will never be able to beat me!
Jonas (child): I give my best! But maybe I'm not ready for that?
His master struck him with the blunt part of his sword, and Jonas fell to his knees. Master: I'm TRAINING YOU FOR TWO YEARS! AND TELL ME YOU ARE NOT READY WHAT THIS MADNESS IS?
Jonas (child): Excuse my impudence!
Master: Jonas takes this bow and goes up the mountain and shoots a random arrow.
Jonas went to the mountain that his master tells him about and shot an arrow at random, after which a terrible shout was heard. Jonas descended quickly and fell to his knees as he began to cry. The arrow had struck his master.
Master: Jonas, don't cry, that was my plan for you to get the sword of victory.
Jonas (crying): But I had to beat you in a straight fight, not like that.
Master (with last force): No! It was a fair fight.
After this nightmare, Jonas woke up scared but it didn't take long for Black to enter his room to let him know that Red and the rest had come back.
Jonas: That's a surprise instead of naming you with Ice, you came with two more people. Red: Thank you .... and fell like a reaper.
?: Quick cut!
Tokyo: What the hell?
?: In your place I would take care of what you see. The angel's combination hit Tokyo, which remained wide.
Slayer and Berserker were defeated by a strange but powerful man. Black drew his sword and pounced on the attackers. But one of them stopped his attack.
?: Handle the sword, well son!
Black froze and with a faded expression asked: Dad?
But Jonas was the most wounded of them all. Jonas: Black there's no point in fighting these three people, they are too strong. The corrupt monk, my master, and the Bringer of Death are all at the next level.
Trevis: The nickname of the bringer of death has not disappeared even though my name is only Trevis. Anyway, we came to get this boy who has a pretty strong demon in him.
Black: Dad, but what do you want to do with him?
Travis: We will destroy the world if our plan works but until then: Harvest of the dead! Goodbye son!