Chapter 24

Everett saw red. That's all he could see. Fire raced through his blood, sparking at the tips of his fingers. He couldn't control it. Not now. Not since they shot Mal.

One thing ran through his head. He had to kill the ones who did this. Just like he killed Dupree. They had to die. No one messed with his family and got away with it. He'd seen enough death over the last several weeks, and it would not stop with someone else's. He was done being a coward.

He looked at his hands. Fire, blood, and dirt coated them. All three meant he was alive, something Dupree was not, and neither would his minions for very much longer. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he shouldn't do this. That this wasn't in his nature, but then he saw Mal crumbling with arrows sticking out of his chest and the smell of his blood filled the air. He was done.

The gravel shifted around him. He turned around to see Donovan striding towards him. His eyes were golden when they usually were golden brown. His clothing was stained with dirt and blood and ripped in several places. Everett had never seen him in this unkempt manner, but that didn't matter. Donovan should be the one avenging Mal, but what was he doing? Shouldn't he be going the other way? His pack member was bleeding out and he was coming this way!

To his other side, Bastian walked up. He had no ties to Mal. His loyalties lay with Annaliese. Everett had no reason to ask him for help. When he looked at him, he saw the same resolve he had, but it was in a different aspect. He was coming to Everett to protect him, but he was unsure from what.

"If you do this," he said, "there is no coming back."

Only one word rang in his ears. "Mal…"

Bastian gripped his hand. "Claudia is working on him. But you can't give in to that grief. He's not dead, but you will be if you continue. Maybe not physically, but internally. Killing brings a certain darkness that you will never shake."

He held up a hand to keep Donovan back. The Alpha stopped just shy of the duo, uncertainty written on his face. He wanted to talk to Everett, but Bastian was concerned about it. He didn't want him to lose it with only seeing the man Mal dove to protect.

"Let Annaliese absorb them into her people. She will deal with them by our laws." His hand trailed up to his cheek. He held his head gently, forcing him to look into his green eyes. "You've killed Dupree. Be satisfied with that."

Everett's molten eyes softened and he leaned his head into Bastian's hand. "Will he be all right?"

"Claudia is the best one to take care of him," Donovan said. "She'll be able to save him. Once she gets the arrowhead out, his body will start to heal on its own."

Everett looked at the fae as they settled their fighting. Annaliese had outflanked them and were starting to cinch the noose around Dupree's people. They were being corralled together as the dust started to settle. No one was going anywhere. Bastian was right. He couldn't kill everyone, but he could make them feel inferior.

A tingling started at the tips of his toes and slowly traveled up his legs then his waist and finally made his hair stand on end. He closed his eyes and felt the magic course through his veins. This was different from the fire he'd once felt. This demanded change.

Bastian stepped away as fire, magic and heat swarmed around Everett. He had never seen it, but he knew that feeling. Calvin had it when he remained human too long, and it was probably the same for the werewolves withtout the visible magic.

A breath shuddered out of Everett's lungs before the magic engulfed him completely. It flowed around him, filling his lungs as it changed him. His skin went from light copper to bright red. Everything went quickly, spinning and spinning until it would make anyone dizzy. Soon Everett was gone.

In his place hovering several feet off the ground was a massive bird. About four feet in length, it was taller than an eagle and any other natural bird. The feathers adorning its head cascaded down its back in a sea of red and gold. Its wingspan was easily six feet, and its tail touched the ground despite how high it hovered over it.

The bird flapped its wings twice and took to the sky. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the majestic bird soar above their heads. Everett was finally free, but if he wasn't careful, he would be imprisoned.

"I never thought I'd see it," Donovan muttered. "But it's too dangerous for him to be freely doing this right now. If anyone sees him, there will be a huge hunt for him."

There was a rally cry and several shots soared through the air. Bastian didn't wait to see if they found a purchase. He tore across the gravel with Donovan behind him. They found the assholes who did it, and they struck him down amongst every fae gathered.

"The firebird is off limits," Bastian ordered. "If I hear anyone is chasing him, I will personally hunt you down and kill you."

There were rumblings through them, but he ignored them. He started back to the house. As he strode away from his people, the bird landed on his shoulder. He glanced at it then continued to the house with Donovan at his side. The werewolf was a bundle of nerves and it coursed around them. The two magics mixed and mingled, making whatever was between them potent and powerful.

Ezra was laying on Mal's legs as Domino nearly smothered him. Claudia had pulled four of the six arrows from the man's body. The other two were in precarious positions, and she was having a hard time removing them.

Bastian stopped just inside the kitchen door. The bird rustled its feathers then dropped into the kitchen. Several moments later, Everett walked into the living room. No one stopped him as he sat behind Domino and gently took Mal's head. The other werewolf stood slowly and stepped over his friend gingerly. He lay beside him, snout on his shoulder.

Mal looked up with golden eyes. He noticed Everett's eyes were still red and his cheeks flushed. He wasn't sure, but he thought he felt a touch of magic brush against his skin. There was so much going on that he could barely remember what his name was. But he knew the touch very well.

"Damn it!" Claudia fussed. "If I pull the one by his heart out, it will nick the carotid. He'll bleed out before I can stitch it."

"Won't he heal?" Everett asked.

"The silver has slowed his healing down quite considerably," Donovan muttered. "If she pulls it out, he won't make it. The silver won't allow him to heal fast enough."

The news sank in. Mal wouldn't make it with the arrow stuck in his chest and he wouldn't make it if they pulled it out. He was going to die on the floor by poisoning. It wasn't fair. He'd barely lived now that he'd been changed. Why? Why did things have to be so hard?

Everett looked down at the man in his lap. Mal's eyes were closed as he labored to breathe. He was going to die soon if he didn't do something, anything.

'Trust yourself.' A voice inside him whispered quietly to him. It brushed against his mind like a gentle wind blowing through a glade. Everett recognized it immediately.

He took a second to think. The firebird could control fire and sometimes heal. His tears were able to heal. What if…

"Donovan, hold his head. He'll need you," he said.

The Alpha didn't question him. He swapped places with the other man so he could sit next to his body. Claudia didn't object as she worked on the second arrow embedded in his side.

Everett reached for the magic simmering low and willed it to do his bidding. He needed to save Mal, and this was the only way he figured he could. When it was at his reach, he leaned down.

His mouth latched on to the oozing wound on his belly. The taste was rancid, like Mal's skin was starting to fester. He used his tongue and pushed his magic into the skin, laving it gently until he felt it knit together. When he pulled away, it was slightly discolored but whole.

He looked up at Claudia, meeting her gaze levelly. She inspected the now closed wound and nodded. Everett moved to the one on his right hip, doing the same as he did on the stomach.

Bastian sat by Everett, putting a hand to his back. He rubbed him genly, feeling his skin prickle with the subtle magic flowing under his touch. "You'll tire yourself out. Let me help."

Everett lifted his head. There were dark circles starting to form under them as he used everything he had. "I don't care. He has to live."

He took a deep breath and went back to his task. Astra pressed her body against him, supporting him by holding him up. Everett's hand trailed to her wiry fur, finding comfort in her support. Ezra sat on his other side, maneuvering so he could hold Mal's legs as well.

It took time, and Everett used a vast amount of magic. He didn't care. Each wound he healed brought Mal closer and closer to surviving. If he could heal the entry wounds and reduce the effects of the silver, he could give Mal a fighting chance. It was the least he could do.

He could feel his body starting to weaken. He had two more wound's to close before Claudia could pull the last arrow out. He leaned over and started to work on the one on Mal's left side, careful of the work Claudia was doing. His breath shuddered from his lungs as he worked.

A hand tangled in his hair. Everett knew the touch well. He lifted a hand and gripped it tightly. He continued what he was doing hoping it worked. It had to work. He had to live.

He finished with the one on Mal's sternum then put his head to his chest. Mal's breathing was labored as he tried to fight through his pain. He held Everett as tightly as he could, his head thundering. Everett hoped it kept thundering for a long time.

"Donovan, whatever you do, do not let him move," Claudia warned.

The Alpha held Mal's head as tightly but as gently as possible. He released a bit of pack magic to soothe all of the wolves for what was about to come.

Claudia grabbed the arrow and jerked quickly. Blood spurted everywhere as his artery was nicked. His breath hitched as his skin suddenly turned cold. Everett sat up and looked at him, catching his eyes as panic ripped through them.

"Mal, don't," he whispered. The werewolf's mouth quivered as his lips started turning blue. "Please don't give up. You can't give up. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me behind. You're the only one I've got."

Bastian helped Claudia save him. He sent a small burst of magic to cautrize the nicked artery. Then he sent some warmth into his heart to keep it pumping. He heard the panic in the young man's voice as he tried his best to save him. They were all trying, but it was getting hard.

Mal reached for Everett, caressing his face gently as a tear slipped down his face. Everett looked at him just as equally tearful. He wiped his nose then took Mal's hand. He tried to control his emotions as his entire life was slipping away.

Bastian reached across and swiped his finger under Everett's eyes. He collected the tears then smeared them inside Mal's wound. He did it again to the open wound and waited.

But the waiting was too much. Mal's breath hitched once then slowly escaped his lungs. His eyes closed and his hand went limp. An agonized cry escaped Everett as he shook him.

"Mal? Mal? Mal! Wake up! Mal!" With every word his voice went an octave higher.

He stared down at him, lip quivering. He looked up at everyone as they stared at their friend. No one moved. They couldn't. It wasn't real. This couldn't be real.

Everett shoved to his feet and stalked out the front door. Annaliese was still cleaning up the remnants of the battle. He strode past her to the circle of captives. He scoured the group until he found the archers. He grabbed an arrow out of each quiver until he found which ones had the silver tipped arrows.

Bastian and Ezra took them from him before he gauged the two creatures'' eyes out. Everett stared at both of them, anger and grief warring within him.

"What is it?" Annaliese asked. She looked between the three men before her. "What's happened?"

"Mal's gone," Bastian replied. His voice was thicker than he thought it should be, but he ignored it as he reached for Everett. The other man made a noise then shrugged his hand off. "The fae arrows killed him."

"But the phoenix tears…" She looked at Everett as fresh ones started to flow. "His wounds were too great. I must see Donovan."

She strode away, two guards following her. Behind them, the fae delivered justice swiftly and silently for their fallen ally.

"Everett?" Ezra caught the man as exhaustion overtook him and he collapsed. He felt his forehead, noting how hot he really was. "He's got magic fever. He's overworked himself as well as the shock."

"Will the pack take care of him, or…" Bastian trailed off. "Should I take him away from here?"

"We'll take care of him, but it also depends on what he wants." He lifted Everett gently. "I'll take him to my house. My wife will take care of him until we can figure out something."

Bastian watched as Ezra walked to and put Everett in his car. Soon he was driving off. The fae hoped this was the right choice. He didn't want things to get worse than they already were.