Kingsley had only captured two real dragons; these ones were just lizards with strong draconic bloodline. He had captured everything Dragon-related in found in the waves and had put them here, they may not be what he wanted exactly but they were still strong and besides, he could simply evolve them into something more.


World Announcement!!

Achievement {Native Lord} has been Unlocked

Congratulations to the Lord [Kingsley] for being the first amongst the lords to conquer a native territory. He has been awarded with the following:

A one-time use skill ticket

B-rank item [Lord's Scepters]


"What?" Kingsley asked in surprise as a small paper and a short scepter appeared in his hands

Seeing the Scepter and the ticket in his hands, Kingsley completely ignored the semi-dragons as he immediately began dancing. This was the first time he had heard any sort of good thing from the system ever since the awakening period where he received his ability.