"I welcome you all to my Deus kingdom, this is a multi-racial state and I hope you Dragons would respect that. You all shall be placed under the command of my existing commanders for now until we can figure out exactly what roles suits you all best…training and sorting begins tomorrow"

Dragons were known for their pride so Kingsley wanted to ensure that they all know the situation they were getting themselves into. The Demon Goblins were…. Well goblins and thus were naturally weaker... this could be witnessed by the fact that Ethan was stronger than Viktor and it wasn't even close.

Viktor's stats even as a level 21 powerhouse were lower than Ethan's level 1, though Kingsley felt that something was clearly wrong but he has no choice but to believe the numbers he saw after all it was from the system which was run by a being that knew more than him so he just went with it.