"My Lord?" Hestia answered as she materialized beside him

"What's going on?, I thought that area wasn't going to be used until we can get civilians... what's the plan" Kingsley asked pointing at an area of empty flat land that was free of grass or any of that sort

"Do you want the long or the short answer?"

"Short please"

"Athena is extremely adept at managing military resources and she just created for us, 700,000 civilians and more" Hestia answered with a clear impressed look on her face


"I can't explain how she did so, you will have to meet her after you've had breakfast"

"No problems then" Kingsley said somewhat confused

Where did the 700,000 new civilians come from, he could already guess why Athena is good at military management. Her kind was literally born to rule over and manage a war-like race as the Oni so it made sense that she was capable but how capable would one be that they can pull 700,000 people out of their a**.