The Fae Realm

Kingsley on the other hand was laid to rest on his bed inside the now much larger and incredibly grand castle. Two Thrones could be seen standing directly before his room's door, guarding him and Hestia stayed to take care of him after all she was much more suited for such a thing. At the Gates of the Castle, another set of Thrones could also be seen guarding the gates. they all seemed to take their jobs even more seriously.

"Wow" The two Faes said in sync as they entered the Fae realm, kingsley had created specifically for the Elves

The Torii led them directly to the gates of a city, a city in the forest where even the city walls were made from massive entangled vines. The city was built around a massive structure that looked weird that even they didn't know what it was but something told them that it was where Kingsley wanted them to stay.

"Is it a temple?" The Moon fae asked as they approached the massive structure