Decision to make changes

{How does he have so many troops, where do you they even come from and how is everyone related to that guy SSS-ranked} a lord complained

{Can we do a trade, i have S-rank dwarves, I'm sure you guys need craftsmen too right}

{There are like 3 governors here with Dwarves that have a higher rank than that and also, I don't think I can even trade them since they are only here under lord [Kingsley]'s orders to protect me and the territory}

{This isn't far}

{Wait are those M16s, holy shit… Kingsley equipped his soldiers with modern weaponry… damn i miss call of duty}

{Do you think, Lord [Kingsley] was once part of the military}

{Who knows, what you should be asking is what exactly is that man's talent. With the automatons and the guns and equipment in the videos, it seems its a craft type ability}

{Dude its only being 3 weeks, even if his talent was SSS-ranked i don't think he could craft all of that in just the time we have being here, there is surely more to it}