
Deus is a planet in an unknown star system in an unknown Universe. it could be in our universe or some other one. No one really knows, all they know is what the System has told them.

Deus is a planet that is said to be 50,000 times bigger than the Earth which makes it even bigger than the Sun which is about 109 times bigger.

According to our science terms, Deus would be considered a Super Earth with conditions way more suitable for humanity than Earth itself.

Deus is home to many native species, some of them are sentient, some are not. This also means that there is a chance that there is an already existing civilization there before the arrival of the [Lords]

Current Known Areas on Deus:

* Aenon Forest: A large forest known for its fertile lands, home to large trees that are way bigger than they should be and rivers that are cleaner than they should be. it is also home to a variety of races, It is also where Kingsley's territory is.

* Undead Valley/ Deadlands: A large area of land that is known for its dead lands and miasma that permeates the environment. It is home to a large variety of Undead races. No one knows exactly why such a land exists as of yet. It is not really a valley since it covers various mountains and valleys and even reaches the sea.

Current Known Races on Deus:

*Goblin: Greenish blue creatures that stand at a height of 4 ft and below, possesses a ram-like horn on its head and long arms. They are known to be plunderers and rapists with a kill on sight order placed on them. Ruled by a Goblin King or Chief, they are at most SSS-rank creatures(Demon Goblins)

*Orcs: Bright green bipedal creatures with massive tusks growing out of their lower lips. They stand at a height of atleast 6 ft and like the goblins are known to be plunderers, rapists etc. However unlike the goblins, they are at most S-class creatures(High orcs)

*Tregers: Giant tigers with skin as rough as tree bark that is noted to be strong enough to resist attacks even from swords. all mannerisms indicate that they are just like normal tigers. They are at most A-rank

*Elves: These are creatures that come in different types and skin colours however all possess a signature pointed ear and are known for their immense connection to nature and magic in general. Regular Elves are A-rank creatures and High Elves are SSS-class creatures.

*Fairies: Tiny creatures that resemble the Elves but are blessed with wings that allow them fly. known to coexist with nature and some have theorized that they are born from nature itself. Just like the Elves, they are sensitive to magic and nature. B-rank

*Gnomes: Small creatures that stand at a height of 3 ft and possibly lower. Known to be tinkerers or engineers, they love to keep to themselves, only interacting with other races when necessary but this also means they have very few enemies and friends. C-rank

*Oni: Demons born from destruction and darkness. each one possesses red skin, sharp teeth and horns that stand proudly above their head. They are mostly born in places riddled with demonic energy and destruction however in special cases and through special means, an orc or high orc can be evolved into an Oni. SSS-rank

*Dragons: Massive reptilian creatures with two fore legs and two hind legs as well as a massive pair of wings. They come in various types according to the elements they are born into. known for their incredible physical and magical might. S-rank at the lowest.

*Arch Demons: A bipedal race of demonic beings said to be the endpoint of all demonic beings no matter their type. They are the progenitor race of all demons, they possess small horns that stand on their foreheads and are mostly covered by their hair. possessing brown skin and the normal body proportions of a human however they stand at a height of 8 ft. Disaster-rank

*Archangels: An opposition race to the Arch demons, possessing nearly the same features however their horns are replaced with a pair of magnificent feathery wings. Both races are known for their incredibly drive for war and battle. Disaster-rank.

*Undead: This is more of a collective term for all the beings that have risen from the dead through unnatural means. They exist in many types, for example; Ghouls, Vampires, Skeletons, Liches etc. Known to be unkillable and possessing an aura that brings death to their surroundings. E-rank at the lowest.

*Golems: An race of beings born from places of abundant mana. they take shape using whatever material is available. Many of them existing naturally but they can be made artificially. C-rank at the lowest for Wild golems and E-rank for artificial golems

*Automatons: A special race of golems that possess more complex inner workings and an actual consciousness that allows it to function independently. C-rank at the lowest.

*Ogres: A bipedal race known for their intimidating strength. each one possesses long arms that don't fit their body, large tusks and horns that stands on its forehead. They possess human-like intelligence hence are deemed more dangerous than orcs or even high orcs despite possession the same abilities and strengths. S-rank at most

will update as more is introduced