Base One (1)

"Well i should probably connect the territories permanently if i want it to progress" Kingsley thought to himself

Deciding to solve that issue later on after he comes up with a better method of putting that into play, Kingsley focused on the issue he had picked up on whilst on his way to Euroa for the meeting. Updating the weaponry available to his army, the traditional guns was no longer working since the soldiers often found themselves putting down their guns in a fight.

He would need to redesign the gun entirely to use mana instead of standard projectiles. If he could somehow make the gun have the ability to turn mana into bullets and preferably bullets of all kinds and elements then things would be even better. This wasn't a problem of if he could do it, he wanted the gun to be reproduceable by his engineers and smiths so the design had to be normal.

"Hestia!" Kingsley called out

[My Lord?] her familiar soothing and smooth voice filled the air as she materialized before him