Power systems

It has being made apparent that on Deus, there exists different power system however both are rooted in the same energy though different techniques of usage.


Through some unknown means, mages and other magic users are able to perform miracles that should only be left for the gods. They are capable of using mana to affect the world around them.

However despite that everyone does have the potential to be a mage since all have mana but not all are born equal. There are those who can manipulate theirs and those who can't.

The reason for this is unknown yet why this is so however, it is known that only 1 out of a 100 people can manipulate their mana.

All lords have shown some capabilities in utilizing mana which suggests that they can potentially become mages if they have access to such knowledge.


Despite being a separate power system, this also has its roots on mana however this is a power system utilized by the strong minded who have found themselves unable to manipulate their mana naturally.

Aoura is a physical-based power system which only helps it's users to enhance their bodies beyond what they should normally be capable of.

However it is known that in the latter stages or when used byore experienced Aoura users, Aoura can be used to perform miracles almost similar to magic.

Both power systems have their advantages and disadvantages however both advantage and disadvantage is dissolved at a certain level a