Eve of battle

Two hours earlier

"Your Majesty, i shall make you proud" a governor announced as he got on his knees

"Jerry, i am not your father, you don't have to make me proud, just destroy the enemy and be done with it" Kingsley said for like the sixth time in the last two hours.

"But you are my king" The man said with a smile on his face

Kingsley looked at the man and smiled as well. Jerry was his oldest governor and the very first to surrender to him. 

Apart from that, he was also seemed to be the most loyal amongst all his governors. Hence Kingsley planned to make him represent him during this small battle.

Hearing him, Kingsley simply smiled as he turned to the five behind him. They were mostly other lords he was unfamiliar with. the only other person he knew was Edward.

"I cant say i know must of you or even the criteria used to select you all but i trust my governors. so i wish you all luck in your battle"

"Thank you, your majesty"