End of Event

A while later, Kingsley decided to leave the throne room since he had nothing to do there anymore. The week was almost coming to an end, which meant that the event would be ending soon as well.

He had already set up powerful and thorough search parties to find the children involved. So far, about three hundred children had been found, but compared to the size of the region, that was nothing.

"Hestia!" Kingsley called out as he stepped down from the throne.

"Yes, my lord," the ethereal lady answered as she materialized inside the throne room.

"Can you tell Viktor to get me a list of all governors and those in positions of power that we have?"

"As you wish," Hestia replied before disappearing.

With her gone, Kingsley finally began walking out of the room. Following close behind him were the ten-foot-tall golden white guards known as the Thrones.