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Chapter 3

Ethan's POV

Hey, I'm Ethan, Ethan Anderson. I'm an athlete and I'm second top in school and in case you had zero clue on who's the top 1, its Aria, my best friend (and secret crush!!!). It's only natural for us to be at the top since we always study together.

I'm the only other friend Aria has besides Mona, I've never really seen her talking to anyone other than us. Well I'm obviously different, I'm outgoing and sociable but I don't tolerate anyone saying anything about Aria. Once, one of the boys from the basketball team said something about her body and I found myself bashing his face. I was sent to detention and that was about it.


I met up with Mona first because I finished my lesson early and she probably bunked to make out with some random jock. She was rambling about as usual. I was paying half-assed attention to her. Geez this girl never shuts up, when is Aria going to show up grr?

"OMG the latest!!! Andre asked Aria to be his group partner and Janine attacked Aria during lunch."

"Janine did what to Ari??" I don't usually care about what she says but I can't seem to help it when its about Aria.

"Um chill boy, not like a physical cat fight but like she was in a way threatening Aria to back off from the project."

"What project?" Confusion written all over my face. Well I guess its what happens when you pay half-assed attention.

"Dude you never listen to what I'm talking, omg you're literally so irritating ugh!!" Mona holds her fist close to my face.

"Mona, quit it, I'm listening to you now so SPILL!"

"Tsk, Andre asked Aria to be his partner for some project they're assigned."

"I'm sorry hold on, I think you missed the part where you tell me he is in the same class as Aria…?"

"Oh you didn't know that? He took up another subject I think to score enough credits for his scholarship."

"Hah, so he's using her!" Of course he is, everyone in school knows she's a genius. Aria thinks she's invisible but everyone in school knows of her achievements. "Well then, what did Aria say?"

Please tell me she said no, please let it be no, please, please, please.

"To who, Andre or Janine?" Oh ye and there was the thing with Janine, so she did say yes…

"To Andre." I said, almost mumbling.

"Have you guys fought or are you living under a rock? Andre has been her crush for the longest time, obviously she was going to say yes, duh!"

She's had a crush on Andre? How come she's never told me that? I thought we tell each other everything… well I guess clearly not everything. "And what about Janine?"

"Janine? Janine's all like Andre wouldn't want to work with you and back off bleh bleh bleh, her usual mean girl shit, so I simply told her off and asked her to make her boyfriend back off." She shrugs. "Oh and they held hands, it was the cutest thing ever. You should've seen Aria's face, pfft, red like a tomato hahaaha!!"

Ye I bet, I mean who wouldn't, he is after all the so-called "Great Mr Andre Williams aka Mr Perfect." If only they knew him like I did, if only they'd realise that side of him that's obviously a facade to fit in with his peers. I hate that fake asshole and I always will. Now that he's involved with Aria, all the more reason to hate him. I didn't even know my best friend has had a crush on my mortal enemy.

While I'm processing the information I'm getting from Mona, Aria shows up. I confronted her about the details of her eventful day and she looks at Mona as if she never wanted me to know in the first place. Could I be overthinking?

"No, I just wanted to tell you myself, you know in my own words." She justifies.

Really Aria? Were you actually going to tell me? Then why didn't you tell me you had a crush on him?

Mona made fun of Aria about how she wanted to fangirl over him again.

*time skip*

She's checking her phone for messages, guess uncle's late and I will have to walk her back home. Right then, Andre showed up in his car, offering us a ride. He calls out my name and I nod for her sake but not even sparing him a single glance.

He called her denim bag, "denim bag, what he doesn't even know your name?" Or he doesn't think its necessary to know the name of the person he's leeching off from.

I reject his offer by making an excuse cause she wasn't going to say no. Right at the moment, Aria's dad called and told her that he was going to be late and told her to walk home with me. Perfect!

Andre still manages to convince her and she shoots her doe eyes at me, signalling to just take up his offer. Of course if it wasn't for her, I would've said no but her eyes… there's fucking hearts in them I swear.

I urge her to sit in the back and thank the lord she doesn't argue about that. I was silent throughout the ride and Aria was giving direction back to her place. Fuck, I should've rode my bike to school today! Well it wasn't like I had foreseen this happening, ugh!!

After what seems to be an eternity, we finally reached her place. We both got off and Andre said, "I can send you back home too Ethan." As if I would want that.

I turned to her direction and mentioned that left my bike here, loud enough for that good-nothing to hear. Sure enough, he took the hint and left. I look at her and she stares at his car, is she really in love with him? Should I tell her what kind of person he is?

No! Let's not get my emotions involved, it's nothing, he just wants to work together for a project. Right, it can't helped but if he tries to hurt her, he's not going to see the end of it. I'll protect her from him.

After a while, I called her and we were walking our way to her doorstep when auntie opened the door and greeted us. Aria's mom is like a mom to me too. I used to stay home alone most of the time because mother would work till late hours in the hospital. After their divorce, mum moved out of the house and that how we became neighbours.

I still remember the first time I saw her. She was crouching near the flower bed, we approached her to introduce ourselves as the new neighbours. Unfortunately, she ran inside. Moments later, she came out, hiding behind her mother. When auntie greeted us, she did it too. Even on that day, auntie was covered in flour.

Even though she was shy, she asked if I would like to play with her. It was then I realised she is the most cutest and precious thing and I had decided I was going to cherish her. Since then, we've been best of friends. But she doesn't know the dark side of me and I hope she never finds out. I'm afraid he's going to take away something precious from me, yet again. No! It'll not happen this time because I'm not going to allow it.


At the dinner table, Aria is being interrogated. I said some things and she got upset. Why? Was it something I said? But what did I say so wrong for her to be so upset? Was it something about him? She leaves the dinner table. Auntie says: "I'll check on her, you gentlemen please continue eating your meal."

I'm just playing with the food on my plate, I might've just lost my appetite. Thats when uncle spoke: "you don't like her being involved with him, do you?" To which I replied: "Sorry?"

"Look son, I don't know what happened between you kids but I wouldn't let somebody to just show up and swoop someone I care about." I don't know what did he meant when he said that but I'm not going to let Andre take something precious away from me, not this time. I excuse myself from the dinner table and dash upstairs to her room and I can hear her soft muffled rants from the other side of the door.

I went in and she looked like she's been crying, about what I had said about him? But why, thats not even half of what he actually is…

Auntie left to provide with some privacy to talk it out amongst ourselves. She doesn't say anything because she is obviously still sulking. What am I suppose to say? I still don't know why is she getting upset over what I said about that douchebag ugh! I'll apologise and get it over with.

"I don't know what you're upset about, but I'll apologise." She scoffs and screams at me for not knowing why she's upset.

Honestly, I'm already at my last straw so I screamed back at her to tell me what's going on with her. I regretted as soon as I saw her eyes, tears filled in those eyes. Damn it, I swore no tears will ever fall from those eyes and here I am making her cry.

Shit shit shit shit

So fucking close to breaking down, she asks if she isn't worthy for me. Wait what, hold on, when did I ever say that? Aria can never be unworthy for anyone, that's literally how perfect she is to me. I ask what is she talking about because I genuinely have zero clue what this girl is on about.

"When you said Andre picked me out of all the other girls he could've picked, do you also think I'm unworthy? I know I'm not some beauty with brain but I. Am. Smart! It's literally the only thing I'm proud of myself." She covers her face but I can see those goddamn pearls of tears falling, DAMN!

At this point, I'm already on my knees wondering if it would be weird to hug her when she's already made at me… to hug or not to hug?

None of what she said was true and I was trying to convince her just that. She's so much more than just a smart girl, she IS a beauty with brain, she is MY beauty with brain. No one and I mean literally no one compares to her, I can't stress how fucking perfect she is and I don't care if some dumbass thinks otherwise. Why would she be so insecure about herself though?

I'm also taken aback because I thought she was upset about him, but no, of course that isn't the case. Ari isn't like all girls, she's my best friend and she's special and I'd do anything for her, even if that meant leaving the next batch of auntie's fresh baked cookies.


I said my goodbyes and went home. Came home to an empty house, guess she's working late today as well. Whatever, it's not like it matters to me what time she comes home. I head to my room, took a shower and changed into my pyjamas. I'm scrolling through my phone just looking at her pictures. I wonder if this is what 'simping' means, I mean how can anyone not?!

Maybe I'm overthinking the whole situation with Aria and him, they're just working together and the least I could do for her is to support and basically just be there for her like I always am. I just hope for the life of me he isn't using her, she would break if that was the case.

Good night, pretty girl ;)

Sleep tight, dumbass keke ;p


I woke up early because I was going to park my bike at her place again today and I also had plans of joining her for breakfast. Plus today, I'm making sure that I walk with her to school. I got ready, packed my bag and rushed downstairs when I saw mum. There she sat at the table with her daily newspaper and breakfast.

She looked away from her newspaper and saw me, "Oh good morning Ethan! Come join me for breakfast. Made a little extra for you." She made basic English breakfast: toasted bread, turkey bacon, scrambled eggs and tomatoes… I hate tomatoes. Well its not like she would have a clue, she never really cooked for me. I guess I should appreciate the fact that she took effort to make me breakfast. Sorry Aria, guess we'll have breakfast together some other time.

I sat down to have breakfast. We're making small talks at the table. "You're up rather early today."

"Ye, I'm riding to Aria's place and we're walking to school."

"Oh thats sweet. Getting some cardio done early in the morning, thats good."

I just nod and continued eating my breakfast. After awhile she breaks the silence again "How's school and everything?"

"Ye everything is okay, I mean I just started yesterday so there's nothing much to update about."

"Oh ye ye right, yesterday was your first day of your last year in school. Well is there anything that you need?" She obviously forget, not even surprised anymore. I'm sure she had far more important things to remember than my first day.

"No, I'm good thanks."

"Okay, let me know if you ever need something." I nod.

I'm about to put my plate in the sink when she noticed I didn't touch the tomatoes. "You didn't eat the tomatoes, Ethan."

I'm already at the door putting on my shoes, "I don't like tomatoes." And I left.


I see her coming out her house while I'm parking my bike in her garage, "Good morning, sunshine! Slept well?"

"You're parking your bike here again?"

"What, its pre-workout sesh, and besides I get to walk with you to school."

"Right um anyways… I've been thinking and y'know, if you want, you can hang around when we're completing our assignment."

What? Did I hear what I think she said? Damn Ari you really speak my mind! So it's obviously me over that douche, I mean I had my doubts but I'm proud of my best friend!! Calm tf down Ethan, don't let her see the desperation, stay calm stay cool, breathe…

"Woah Ari, are you sure? I don't want to be third-wheeling though," Ethan shut up, you're gonna make her change her mind, you stupid buffoon!

She mentions that she is suspicious of him, oh heck ye, she is suspicious of him! "Besides, weren't you the one who wanted to tag along in the first place?"

"I mean if you're insisting, then how could I ever deny your request," oh yes I wanted to come along and if you hadn't asked me, I was going to throw my ego away and ask you and I would've pestered you till you said yes but thats not needed since you've asked me yourself.

She's looking at me and I have a smirk on my face, "I'm not insisting, I dont care if you come or not." Ahh there's the stink eye that speaks for her heart, that was a little cringe but okay.