
Lost in thought or admiring something very unusual. What kind of Human was this girl. A very weird one she was.

On getting to the company, it was made with glass blue and some country's flag decorated the inns of the company. It had a big fountain which was the statue of a man. She saw many workers all dressed in corporate moving into the inns of the building.

"Ready?" He asked

"Ready" she replied.


They got to the meeting board and a lot of corporate workers could be seen there.

Sitting there, the contract was brought.

She was to present and explain their part of the contract.


After presenting, Dave's mouth was up in awe. She talked like a professional. He was shocked as she did far better than what he expected. She was talking with so much passion, life and zeal. She defended their part in the contract. Even the others there were far impressed making them sign the contract and also referring them to another contract in Korea.

After the contract, he kept looking at her with excitement in his eyes like a little boy who got his toy from his father. Looking at him clearly, he looked a bit similar to her little Boy. She was proud of doing well in the presentation. Her doubled salary was the main deal here.

...In the car going back to the hotel, Dave decided to stop at an eatery and take ice cream

Tania followed him inside to get dinner for herself and not rely on the hotel's food.

Both of them sat oppositely without staring at each other. Dave licking his ice cream while Tania was eating pasta.

"Tani, you really did well and as promised, I will double your pay for two months. So Tan, can I ask you a question?" He asked

"Yes but I'll ask you too" she said back.

"Alright, what do you think about me? Like what are my attributes?" He asked her paying full attention towards her..

Tania's brows creased. Sighing she replied " you're rude, harsh, arrogant, self-centered, greedy, and lot more bad attributes" she replied straightforwardly.

Dave chuckled, he was expecting even worse as he knew she hated him.

Tania wanted to ask something different but she decided to return the question

"What about me, what do you think are my attributes?" She asked eating her pasta

"You're so boring, self defending, beautiful and...." He stopped after seeing her look at him with dagger eyes.

"I was shocked you didn't add handsome to my attributes or ain't I handsome?" He asked giving a killer smile.

Soon, they enveloped themselves in a discussion until they heard a little boy cry from a corner.

People gathered to see what had happened. Dave and Tania also went there to see for themselves.