You look happier

Getting to the mall, he watched her get a little car toy and a card. Only God knew the contents of the card.

She enjoyed herself shopping alone. They spent about 30 minutes there before leaving for the airport Soon, they got to the airport. They booked a flight for 12:00. The quickest flight for California

"Mummy, you're back home...." Ben ran to hug his mother.

Mimi came out and greeted her friend. She noticed her friend looked much more happy than she used to be on her work days.

"Tan, can I ask you something, but please not in the presence of Ben" she said winking at Ben

"But why?" He asked pouting.

Tania smiled and petting her baby boy, she left with Mimi to Mimi's room.

"Tan, what's happening. You look happier than before"

Mimi asked looking at Tania like she wants to pierce through her soul with her eyes

"Um, of course am happy to see my son and you Mimi. I missed you both so much." She said smiling at her friend.

Mimi's eyes tilted. "No, there's some other thing keeping you happy. But if you're not ready to say it, then its fine. How did you cope with your boss?" Mimi asked her

"Oh, him, I tamed him throughout. He isn't so wild at me again." She said chuckling out loud

"Really how did you do that?" Mimi asked paying full attention.

"Um, I think he now has a little respect for me after I did my work in the contract successfully beyond imagination" she said proud of her works.

"That calls for celebration babe, where are we going for the celebration?" Mimi asked.

"We'll first stop at royal blue supermarket to get a beautiful outfit for myself. I am my boss's dance partner in our staffs party tomorrow, I know it might sound crazy but he asked me to dance with him and I really couldn't say no. But I think its for good. I mean getting closer to him won't be a bad idea so his inhumanity will reduce towards me. Don't you think so Mimi?"

"I knew it, something was getting you excited. No probs, mine is to watch both of you..... "

Mimi stopped as her friend's face turned sour


"Baby, you're back" Emery ran to Dave seeing him come back. Dave looked at her with some sort of annoyance

"Yes am back, what is it?" He asked her his face looking irritated by her appearance.

"But Dave, am so mad at you. During your contract trip, you couldn't even call me once. Am not happy" she said pouting

"Do you think I care if you're happy or not. The only reason you're in my house, enjoying certain privileges is because of my mom. Though I and my mom are not in good terms, but that doesn't mean I don't give her some respect. The next time you talk to me like that again, I promise you, I will disfigure your beautiful face" saying that he stormed upstairs leaving her alone.

Emery's eyes welled up with tears. She had tried her best to make this man like her. Was she too ugly, she had a short black wavy hair, a v face and a blonde skin. She was at least a little beautiful. Why won't this man or any other man out there treat her fairly. Was this her faith. She didn't even realize she had been crying. She fell to the floor and kept crying. Why was her life this way. No she wouldn't give up, instead she'll make sure he likes her