Somethings Up With Cynrik

Cynrik, Brance, Gabby, and Benny strolled behind the eight adults while looking around curiously. The Compound vaguely had the build of what Cynrik would expect a modern-day version of the Roman Coliseum would look like, with its step-like tiered platforms, raising up dozens of meters, forming a bowl-shaped image. These bleacher-like platforms were all numbered similarly to the seating rows in a large stadium.

Cynrik noticed a pattern the more he examined his surroundings. The Egresses were organized by their specific categories, and the higher up you went, the stronger the Egress you would find. The first two or three rings seemed to be all Green Alphas followed by a large gap of empty rings, which Cynrik could only assume was open space for future Egresses. The next batch of rings were the Blue Alphas, and this pattern of three to four rings before the strength of the Egress increased continued upward.