Selection Summons Part 4

"Is this really necessary? I don't see why something as private as our personal Status, Stats, Skills, and Affinities are required by the Academies for enrollment."

Gripping Brance's shoulder to stop him from walking up to the machine, Cynrik spoke with one eyebrow raised.

"This…" Both confused and slightly stunned by Cynrik's words, Professor Hues, wasn't sure how to respond. This was the first time he had encountered someone unwilling to present their Status profile.

It had to be said that all major combat industries, be it the Reaver Society, Military, or even Academies, all had a standard testing procedure where they would need to check the applicant's stats; it was commonplace. However, since their parents sheltered Cynrik and Brance so severely, they were unaware of this.

"Excuse me, instructors, may I have a moment alone with my children." Then, realizing the fault was solely her own for this incident, Cinyah stepped up.