Saylin’s Media Conference

At 8 am, the day of the selections, Cinyah woke both her sons up early and ushered them into the living room, where Jessup, Maeve, Aiden, and Rikard were all sitting around waiting.

When Cinyah walked in with a sleepy Cynrik and Brance in tow, their attention turned away from the HoloTv, showing a live feed of the fairgrounds, where the Selection would be held in a few hours.

Based on what Cynrik saw on TV, it was panning out to be quite a spectacle. From the aerial view above the grounds, it was easy to pick out the taped-off boundaries that each Academy cordoned off. The sight made him chuckle internally as to him, it looked like a giant street festival, with its painted square boxes, stalls, and food stands; if he didn't know better, he wouldn't be able to recognize it as an Academy Selection.

{They really are going all out this year.} Brance had been peeking over at the TV and was surprised at how big the event was this year.