Operation “Gotta Catchem All”

Frowning and swiping away the notification window with the creature known as a Void Mouse's description out of the way, Cynrik's pupils constricted as he tried zooming in on it with his [Mana Sight] active.

One thing he had been working on was controlling the focus of his eyes by constricting the blood vessels with Mana, magnifying his telescopic vision to the extent of a high-powered camera lens. However, it only worked in theory. Still, Cynrik had made some headway in his experiments and could increase his distance vision by 2.5 times, but that was as far as he could go before his eyes would turn bloodshot or worse, get foggy and begin bleeding. After Weeks of trial and error and finding the sweet spot without injuring himself so bad that Brance had to heal his eyes, he got the hang of double and a half distance, giving him a good look at the little intruder.