MyrkLys Vs. Spies Part 7

Screaming in agony, the Spearman dropped his weapon since it was his dominant arm that Benny had just sliced off. Before he could drop back to put distance between him and his two opponents, Selene jumped up and planted a dropkick right into the center of the one-armed Spearman's chest, knocking him off his feet and shooting him across the Domain 20 meters. 

Releasing her damaged make-shift weapon and stalking forward, Selene walked over to the spear, hooked it with the toe of her shoe, and bounced it up, catching it and spinning it in one fluid motion.

Turning her head and looking toward the downed Spearmen, her eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the fountain of blood spewing from the nub that used to be his arm before looking back to Benny and motioning for him to fall back and prepare a skill just in case something went wrong.