New Ocular Skill *BONUS CHAPTER*

"Oculus, what?" However, Cynrik was more confused by Norik's words and concerned about being ripped away from his work in such a ruthless fashion. 

"Your eyes, Kid, the way you are channeling your Mana into your Eyes, also known as the Oculus Uterque, is a sure-fire way to pop them like grapes if you try and increase your vision past the 4x level." Opening his hand and releasing Cynrik, who landed on the ground butt first, Norik began explaining something Cynrik had been unaware of since the moment he started constricting the blood vessels of his eye to see further. 

Staring questioningly at Norik, Cynrik patiently waited to be tutored. Although he had figured out quite a bit about his abilities over time, he was always open to learning new and proper ways to utilize Mana to its full extent.