The Truth Behind Cynrik's New Skill

"I don't bother focusing on any one thought for too long, as even I am not capable of that level of processing power…yet. However, in my insanity, there is brilliance, and through experimentation hidden behind the panic and craziness, I find the perfect idea to work through every now and then. That is how I pulled this awesome shit off!" Clenching his fist and punching at the air, Cynrik stated with a smirk on his lips. 

  -I hate how you summarize feats of grandeur with such lackluster words, Cynrik. Would it kill you for once to admit you have no idea how or why things work the way they do?-

"Tsk, that would simply be lying, and you know better than I do how that skill formed, but if we get down into the nitty-gritty and throw away sugar-coated words like "I followed my heart," then the easiest way to explain would be as such…."