The Not-So-Peaceful Night (2)

"Damn it, when I reach Tier-5, I will kill that bastard, I swear it," Jason grumbled while dispursing the bluish flames and appearing healed. 

"Che, it won't take that long; we should be able to handle those old assholes by the time we reach Early Tier-4. Especially if we keep on the same track of capping our Classes first." Shaking his head and turning off the bathroom sink, Leelan tossed the bloodied cloth on the ground and went back into the suite's living room. 

"Maybe; I still can't believe the natives don't cap out their Classes before evolving. No wonder they are all so damn weak. However, did you notice those guys on Cynrik's team? They all seem stronger than normal natives." Jason said as he pulled out a high-tech laptop and reviewed the Survey charts from the Tier-2 Exams for MyrkLys.