Chasing the Swarm Event National Record (2)

For a moment, the only sound which could be heard aside from the chorus of strange noises made by the Chimeras was a peculiar bubbling, one akin to a geyser preparing to spout. The bubbling sound was followed up by a trembling originating from deep underground…then…BOOM!

The explosion, although fleeting and only lasting a second or two, was so loud that the six Chimeras Cynrik was facing whipped their heads around, and blood spewed from the small flaps behind their eyes, which were where their ears were. 

Frozen in fear and deaf from the loud Boom, the six Chimera could do nothing but watch their fellow creatures get vaporized in a bright and Blinding Light.

Meanwhile, Cynrik, who thought he was prepared for anything, was frantically trying to find cover from the blast.