The Storm’s Aftermath (1)

When it came to the other members of MyrkLys, only Selene looked ecstatic at her boyfriend's actions and had even cheered him on multiple times. 

Gabby, Benny, Melody, and Kurza looked away from the screen. Having been on the opposite end of Cynrik's tender care, the four of them felt for Derrek, even though he was an opponent. 

Who among the four hadn't had the shit beaten out of them by Cynrik at some point, be it through mental torture or physical under the guise of "Conditioning." The only difference was that Cynrik wasn't malicious in his intent; instead, it aimed to increase the strength of their bodies and minds, except for Kurza, who ended up getting a similar treatment to Derrek due to his big mouth. 

Still, Cynrik held back considerably in the case of Gabby and Benny, either because, on some level, he cared about them or because he simply didn't want to break them. But it was a different case altogether with Melody.