Internal Strife (1)

{{As much as I would like to admit he listens to me, he doesn't, and to be honest, that's how it should be. Neither of us sees the world in the same intricate fashion, laced with paranoia and caution. If there is one thing our group doesn't lack, it is someone willing to get their hands dirty when necessary, and unfortunately, for some reason, Darling has chosen that job for himself.}}

{{But what it boils down to is that you, Brance Jetlensr, are too fucking soft. Due to your bloodline or your general nature, you do not have what it takes to make those decisions.}}

{{Bullshit, how the Hell is torturing and mutilating someone a quarter of his age while putting on a mock trial for the world to see something that can be conceived as necessary, Selene?}} Gritting his teeth and attempting to keep his anger in check, Brance rebutted.