Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (5)

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"  by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience.**





"Holy…HOLY FUCK IS THAT THE GOD DAMN DEATHSTAR!!!" Ill-Cyn and Brance screamed in unison as the hulking behemoth of a metallic planetary weapon came into view. 


Before either of them could admire the fake planet, Brance and Ill-Cyn were instantly greeted by a barrage of blasts, which took out two of the hyperspace engines on Brance's ring and four on Ill-Cyn's.

"No time to think, move!" Ill-Cyn shouted as he disengaged from his hyperspace transport ring, locked his throttles back into flight sticks, dropped his stabilizers, and fired his engine on full power spinning away from his ring right as it blew up.