
The events of the previous morning were reported to the Head Master of the academy and to Military Officials, leaving Xizreth with an order to remain in his room and await further orders. He knew he'd be taken by the military and questioned thoroughly, if not tortured for information he didn't have. Even with his strength and speed, he surely couldn't take on an entire military force alone. But he wouldn't wait to taken either.

Xizreth looked at his glove. It had changed a bit since absorbing the crystal. Where once is shabby and appeared weathered, now it looked new and had the crystal it had absorbed embedded into the back side of it. Xizreth felt lighter and stronger as well, as if the glove awakening had strengthened him as well.

He wondered if the glove could be empowered even more. If so, that should be his first mission. But first he needed to get out of the academy and as far as away from the outer wall as possible.

The Academy of Tomorrow was located deep in a desert of North America. After the apocalypse the lands changed drastically across Terra, North America was no exception. A vast desert spread across the center of the continent, while the eastern edges had become a mountainous landscape and the western a thriving forest.

New life sprung up from the apocalypse as well, altering some of the flora and fauna we used to know, and bringing entirely new species with it. Surviving the harsh wilderness will be the hardest task, he thought to himself.

A knock on the door broke him out of thought and he stood, ready to make his move if necessary.

"Come in," called out Xizreth standing with his arms behind his back.

The door opened a crack and Felice walked in and gently closed the door behind her. She had a long white cloak on and black one over her arm.

"Xizreth, we need to get out of here. The Military is coming to detain you and will be here within the hour. I don't want to see you handed over to the likes of them, nor will I allow my father to control my life. I am coming with you and we will escape together."

Xizreth looked Felice deeply in the eyes. Will wonders never cease, he mused to himself.

"And did you come with a plan?" he asked her with a smirk and light chuckle.

"I thought you'd never ask Xizreth Digas," she said a mischievous glint her eyes.

She explained the plan thoroughly to Xizreth as she packed two bags of essential items they would need for survival beyond the walls of the academy. With civilization so spread out now, it wasn't likely they would run into anybody once they've escaped.

Time was running short, the Military would be landing any time now. If they were going to escape it would have to be now. With class still in session they needed to avoid security. With a deep sigh Felice opened the window of the dorm.

"You ready Xizreth?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, and if things go south I have a backup plan. You just have to trust me," replied Xizreth.

"Xizreth Digas, if there is anyone in the world I trust, it's you."

He smiled and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close.

"I'm glad you do," he said then held her tightly and jumped out of the window.