Chapter 34

"Father! What are you saying!? How can you ask Tenku to leave this house!?" Akina subconsciously slammed her palm on the table and expressed her objection. She stood up from her seat and shouted at Kouta. Akina didn't want Tenku to leave the house and reflexively defended him.

"He's already an official Realizer, even with that low-ranked Phantasmal Object. Besides, he already has his income at his current age. So I think he can start to live independently. It is not good for a boy to continue to depend on others, especially those not from his family." Kouta said with ridicule. He tried to make Akina understand his decision.

"As you said, he's just a Realizer with a low-ranked Phantasmal Object! He could not make money taking missions in the organization because it was so dangerous! Can't you wait until he finishes high school? You promised that old man to take care of Tenku!" Akina reminded Kouta of his promise and wouldn't accept any excuses from him.