Chapter 49

Tenku looked coldly at the two headless corpses. One because his head exploded, and the other was cut off from his body. Their Phantasmal Objects disappeared into particles of light after their owners died. Even though Tenku had killed a human, he acted normal because it wasn't his first time.

At the age of ten, Tenku had been asked by Wang Haotian to kill a group of bandits. At first, he was hesitant to do so. But after knowing that the bandits had committed various crimes such as robbing, raping, murdering, and many others, Tenku finally made up his mind and ventured to kill.

The first time Tenku killed a human, he vomited and his body kept shaking. He couldn't sleep well for several nights. But over time, that feeling disappeared. From then on, he didn't hesitate and mercilessly killed the humans he deserved to kill like he killed monsters.